Question Display Issues with GPU - Need Help Diagnosing

Jul 21, 2024
Hello everyone,

I'm facing a frustrating problem with my PC and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

Issue:A couple of days ago, my screen went black while playing CS2, but the sound kept playing and all LEDs and fans were still running. After shutting down and restarting, I got a "No input detected" message.

Steps I’ve Taken:

  1. Switched to Integrated Graphics: I connected my HDMI to the motherboard's port (using the integrated graphics) while leaving the GPU in place. This led to frequent blackouts and restarts.
  2. Removed the GPU: With the GPU removed, the system worked fine.
  3. Driver Uninstallation and Reinstallation:
    • Used DDU to uninstall the NVIDIA drivers.
    • Performed a clean installation of NVIDIA drivers.
  4. Checked BIOS: When I rebooted into BIOS with the HDMI connected to the motherboard and the GPU still installed, the GPU wasn't detected.
  5. Reseated the GPU: I reseated the GPU and repeatedly tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers. Sometimes, the GPU was detected, and I could use the PC for a few hours before it crashed again.
Observed Problems:

  • Total blackout
  • Total green screen
  • Total bright purple screen
When the GPU was detected, I tried shaking it slightly to check for loose PCIe slots or improper seating, but there was no effect.

Current Situation:I'm currently using my PC with integrated graphics, and the GPU is removed.

System Specifications:​

  • CPU: i7 6700k
  • GPU: GTX 1070 DDR5 8gb
  • Motherboard: MSI Z170A
  • RAM: 32gb RAM 3600Mhz
  • PSU: beQuiet! Straight Power 10 cm 80+ 500W


  1. Is this more likely a GPU failure or a motherboard issue?
  2. Are there any additional troubleshooting steps I should take?
  3. How can I definitively determine if the issue lies with the GPU or the motherboard?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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  • CPU: [Your CPU Model]
  • GPU: [Your GPU Model]
  • Motherboard: [Your Motherboard Model]
  • RAM: [Your RAM Amount and Model]
  • PSU: [Your PSU Model and Wattage]
What the sys specs really are? :rolleyes:

Is this more likely a GPU failure or a motherboard issue?
Most likely GPU gave up a ghost. If it were MoBo issue, you couldn't boot to OS even.

Are there any additional troubleshooting steps I should take?

How can I definitively determine if the issue lies with the GPU or the motherboard?
Try with 2nd, known to work GPU. With this, you can rule out MoBo PCI-E x16 slot being the issue.
Jul 21, 2024
What the sys specs really are? :rolleyes:

Most likely GPU gave up a ghost. If it were MoBo issue, you couldn't boot to OS even.

Try with 2nd, known to work GPU. With this, you can rule out MoBo PCI-E x16 slot being the issue.
My bad, I have asked GPT to reformat my question. So, here's the specs:
  • CPU: i7 6700k
  • GPU: GTX 1070 DDR5 8gb
  • Motherboard: MSI Z170A
  • RAM: 32gb RAM 3600Mhz
  • PSU: beQuiet! Straight Power 10 cm 80+ 500W

The reason I suspected a MoBo issues is that the audio and graphics driver on my integrated graphics doesnt seem to work very well as well. There's audio stuttering here and there and the screen switches off and on frequently. With that said, I will get my hands on a new GPU to test the PCIE slot. A new PSU is on its way too, so that I can test the PSU too, because the one I am currently using is 7 years old. Maybe the PSU isn't providing sufficient wattage. If PSU ain't the issue, I will return it.


Motherboard: MSI Z170A
MSI Z170A Gaming M5?
This beauty? Specs:

If so, then i have the very same MoBo in use with my PC. :D (If interested, Skylake build, full specs with pics in my sig.)

A new PSU is on its way too, so that I can test the PSU too, because the one I am currently using is 7 years old.
Mediocre quality PSU and due to the age, probably already past it's usefulness. So, do try with new PSU.
Btw, make and model of new PSU is?

The reason I suspected a MoBo issues is that the audio and graphics driver on my integrated graphics doesnt seem to work very well as well.

Does the same issues (iGPU audio and graphics) also happen in Safe Mode?

With that said, I will get my hands on a new GPU to test the PCIE slot.
Gaming M5 MoBo has 3x PCI-E x16 slots. Have you tried them all with your GTX 1070?