Question HD 58X Jubilee for gaming?


May 6, 2016
I’m needing to replace my headphones I use primarily for gaming. I’m thinking these because I’ve heard really good things not only about these, but open driver headphones in general. Reviews seem very split for them when it comes to gaming. A lot say they are great for directional awareness, but I’ve read otherwise too.
I of course would like good directional awareness but I don’t want to sacrifice the sound quality and beefiness when it comes to other things like explosions and gunshots, which I’ve heard open driver headphones tend to do because of the inherently lower bass level. Is it drastic enough that everything sounds flat? Are these strictly music headphones?

would like to hear some opinions from people who have had these before. Thanks
I'd pick the similarly priced HD599s for gaming. The 58X has a smaller soundstage. The 599 is also lighter with less clamp force and will be more comfortable for long periods. I still use my 598s for daily drivers and for gaming and the 599 is just a slightly revised 598 with better bass extension. I don't have the 58X Jubilee but I have 600s and 650s. The 598/599 is better for gaming.

One of the best headphone reviewers on youtube.
