Question Help! PC not powering up/Motherboard Compatibility

Jun 24, 2020
Hey guys,

So I recently installed a new AIO CPU cooler in my rig, and ever since the machine powers up and dies within a second.

I have done some digging and it seems as though the mobo might be fried, as unlikely as I find it in my own mind.

I've tried taking the whole machine apart and rebuilding from scratch, same issue. However I did notice that if I remove the 8-pin CPU power cable from the mobo the machine stays on, but obviously no display, etc.

I don't have any way of testing the individual parts, but mobo seems more likely than PSU as it was working fine yesterday with the old cooler.

If anyone has any advice on this issue that would be great. However, my main question is:

If I buy a new motherboard, will my 6600k still work in it as long as it is socket 1151? No more Z170s available ffs...

I can't find any conclusive answers on the net, as most places say an update to the bios will allow your mobo to accept a 7th/8th gen CPU, but I'm obviously looking for compatibility the other way around.

For reference purposes regarding the specs, they are as follows:

Mobo: ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming
CPU: i5 6600k
PSU: Corsair GS600
No not at all

I decided to strip the PC over the weekend and found a bent pin under the CPU. I don't know how it happened as I didn't remove the CPU when I changed the cooler, but I guess it is what it is.

Will be replacing the mobo
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