Question "High end PC" but still FPS drops/short freezes in most of the games

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Dec 16, 2022
I have a “high end” pc and still have FPS drops and short freezes most of the games I play on a 4k 120hz sony tv with vrr(Sony KD 55 inch XH9005). I play almost every big new game like Far cry 6, AC Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077 etc on 4k resolution and have except for cyberpunk and Valhalla 75+ fps without raytracing. And ofcourse some games 120+.

All my drivers are up to date, clean windows install 6 months ago, BIOS was updated 6 months ago and I feel like I’ve tried everything but still almost no game is smooth no matter what settings I change. If I downgrade the settings to 2k the same drops still exist while I should be able to have almost no problems with 2k. Yet some games like destiny 2 and days gone play without any problems.
Does anyone have any idea what I can still try or is it normal for pc games to just sometimes lag/fps drops which result in short freezes.

I have this set up:
Nothing is overclocked.
Corsair RM850X
3080ti ventus
Ryzen 5 3600 (maybe wanna upgrade to ryzen 5 5600x)
Coolermaster hyper tower cooler
Corsair ddr4 2x 8gb 3200 mhz(fully unlocked and dual mode in bios)
ASUS ROG STRIX B450F Gaming motherboard
NVME 1tb and SSD 1tb

Gaming mode in windows is off and I play on a 4k 55 inch 120 hz tv with vrr. Sony kd 9005 I believe.
My GPU gets 78 degrees on max load and is on 99% use in 4k ultra games and my CPU 65/70 degrees with around 40% use in most 4k ultra games.
Far cry 6, AC Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077 etc on 4k resolution and have except for cyberpunk and Valhalla 75+ fps without raytracing
i would say that CPU is holding back your 3080 Ti some.
my 11700K @ 5.2GHz allows my 3080 Ti to reach ~100fps in Cyberpunk with RT effects on using my 4K 120Hz TV. with RT effects off easily maxes the 120Hz refresh rate.
never notice what many refer to as frame drops which would be short stutters where frames seem to disappear.
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