home network, computers cant see each other


Jun 1, 2006
just setup my homework with a router and an adapter i got from NETGEAR..
the internet works fine.. both the wired computer and the wireless one can acces the internet at proper speed.

but when it comes to making the computers work together as a LAN network, i got some problems..

the wired computer can "see" the other, but it cannot acces it (saying that i cannot acces it, and that i might not have permission)
the wireless computer cant even look for groupcomputers without me getting the same message..

i am using the NETGEAR software on the wireless computer
i have tried to turn off both firewalls, without any affect.
both computers run XP HOME
does anyone have a suggestion?
well i have tried the network wizard..
tried different combination.. but i can only get the wired computer to see the other (and it does not see the C drive, wich is shared)
on the wired computer there is some shared documents.

both computers do have an administrator user without password..

i am going to try turning that off.. but why would i want to do that?
that sounds odd..
but then again.. i have seen a similar problem with installation of programs on non administrator users..

but then thinking of it.. i just remembered..
i did set up a network like this at my friends. both computers where wired, but besides that, they where linked up just like these..
at my friends i just used the wizard on both computers, and they just worked (played some WCR3 over LAN)

i have tried doing the thing about turning of folder.. (so far only on the wireless one) and now it can see itself in the group.. i gues that is a beginning.. i cant use the other computer before tomorrow.. but i am exidet to see if i can solve the problem this way..
turns out it did he trick..
i had selected the whole C drive as shared on the wireless computer, turning it off made the wired computer acces the wireless one, and now they see each other just fine..
have been transfering some music files and so on, but as the wired one has an upload of 10Mbit per second, and the wireless has 54 down, it is strange that the speed was more like 5Mbit/s..

anyway, thanks for the help :)

BTW the wireless computer is the one in my signauture..
the other is pentium4 3.0 with 9800XT and 512 mb ram..
gues i can play newest games over LAN now 😀