How Trump's Trade War Could Break Your PC Budget and Stifle Innovation

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I hope to revisit this article in 3 or 4 months. We have been ripped off as a country for so long and taken advantage of that it appears too many toms readers are too ignorant or stupid to realize it. MAGA !

You can't really blame a president for a natural disaster just the response and while Bush didn't do a fantastic job it wasn't horrible. Plus i blame the idiots who decided not to leave and then there were the ones stuck on roofs shooting at national guard members who were trying to save them. Katrina was a losing scenario for any president. It would be the same as blaming Trump for Hawaii right now.

The majority of the 2008 housing crash was due to banks, not a specific president. Well technically Bill Clinton helped to push it forward as he signed the Gramm-Leach-Billy Act into law, not Bush, but it was still the banks being idiots. And it was a world wide recession, not just local.

I don't think Trump will make a mess. I think he has a better chance of making something better. Honestly both sides of the isle are stupid. Neither ever try to work with the others yet every time one is in power they always say the other wont work with them etc. To me its the same as people who think Socialism is somehow more equal than capitalism. You still have the top and the bottom either way. And even if you start off as equal eventually someone ends up on top with others down below.
NinjaNerd56 4 hours ago
The whole story?

This just in...Trump is still a racist moron and traitor who thinks grabbing the world’s pussy is some kind of brilliant strategy.

Regardless of the Nazis at Fox and their constant stream of propaganda, Trump has failed to actually do ONE POSITIVE THING since taking office.

Hillary is that you? LMAO

Do you really think that manufacturers here are going to leave the U.S. and subject themselves to MORE tariffs? Yes, prices on some things might go up a little, but considering that China has taken so much of the manufacturing, this hurts them more than anyone.

If you want someone to blame, there are many politicians that setup the terrible trade deals we have and it's only now that we have a President strong and intelligent enough to fix it. The U.S. has been on the losing end for far too long and like spoiled children, the other countries don't want to give up their treats. The trade imbalances we have now are not sustainable.

The OLPC project was an abomination, the laptops were utter garbage - not worth $10 let alone $100.

OLPC is a perfect example of how being a businessperson who puts emotion before reason can destroy any chance at granting opportunity.

I'm a programmer myself but you have to be some kind of nutjob to celebrate OLPC as a success.

Plenty have already talked about how the tariffs going into effect have caused them to announce they will either leave the US entirely or slash their job force. And that won't be good for anybody.

It's easy to drop the unemployment rate when millions of people drop out of the work force. obama had the lowest work participation rate and the highest number of people on welfare in history. obama's economy didn't flourish, the numbers are skewed by people giving up on looking for work.

The jobs created stat rose, but when you drill down into it, it was mostly due to full time jobs being split into 2 or more part time ones when employers tried to avoid obamacare mandates.

Any growth under obama was in spite of his policies. Had he gotten out of the way, we would have had a real recovery.

As for the trade debacles, it started with Nixon opening up China, then clinton and NAFTA, obama and TPP(thankfully that failed to go through), and those are just the big failed policies. There were many less known, smaller deals that the U.S. have been suffering from.
I hate to say it but if there was actual checks and balances of the rich and corrupt spreading their money to the common folk then why did our deficit grow from 10.6 trillion to 19.947 trillion during Obama. Sure you can try to blame the first 4 years on Bush but what about the last 4 years of Obama's term, it still climbed out of control and our infrastructure was still falling apart. Oh Look at Jeff Bezos a democrat that during Obama term went from 6.8 Billion in 2009 to over 70 billion by end of 2016 sure is balanced there. sure now he is worth double that but that is due to a stronger economy and more people shop online more than ever before.

Trump has been in office for almost 2 years and the debt has only climbed 1.1 trillion with infrastructure work being done, and the democratic which hunt and the bias media and NFL wasting tax payers money on BS. but still Trump is keeping it down compared to Bush or Obama.
No need to panic. The Chicoms have been screwing the USA over for decades. Now its time to even the playing field and bring jobs back to America. The great thing about Capitalism is the market will work itself out. Not crony capitalism. Hopefully before his second term ends he can fix it too.
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So instead of human kind coming together and innovating together and forget war and hate , here comes a stupid president who wants to steal other people resources and production and cause more hate and wars.

Trump must understand that in China Technology started when his ancestors were climbing trees in the european forests like monkies.


Your addressing technology and I'm discussing trade and your a racist .

you are not the OP of this thread. and The only Racist guy here I can See is TRUMP and his supporters.

I am saying I want people coming together , and you call me racist ?


What exactly does being at the top of your class at Wharton Business School have to do with understanding what Trump is doing? Trump wasn't even in the top 15% of his class according to school records. Trump only got into Wharton because his daddy bought his way in. Trump has also filed bankruptcy 5 or 6 times. Trump is also considered by nearly every bank on the planet (Deutsche Bank and Russian banks excluded) to be too high risk to loan to as a result of those bankruptcies.
What Trump is doing is calling out the Chinese for stealing all of the technology that they have been stealing for decades. If it wasn't for that there wouldn't be a so called trade war as some people are trying to call it. Forcing companies to give their IP and innovations to the Chinese is illegal in every country with the exception of China. Their whole culture is built around theft. Study how they do things and you will see that. They steal everything. When are the people of the world going to wake up and see that. Trump is trying to change that and wake everyone up. It's long over due that a President does this.

Whoever you are you are sounding miss informed as I am a Trump Supporter and am mixed race and so are all my children and my wife is Filipino and she also supports Trump so does half her family so where is the racism.
In 2017 we had a trade deficit with China of around 375 billion. Past administrations setup up strangling regulations to keep American manufacturing noncompetitive with China. We had one of the highest corporate tax rates, while China had one of the lowest. China has tariffs on imported US goods while we have little to no tariffs. A Chinese company can open a corporation or LLC in a matter of hours here, while an American company needs to get permission from the government. Saying these things doesn't mean I am blaming China, they are a growing nation and took full advantage of our corporations and politicians selling us out for Chinese slave labor. The little guys in each country gets screwed, we lose our manufacturing jobs and Chinese citizens get exploited as basically slave labor. Trump is not starting a "trade war" he is evening out the tax, regulatory, and tariffs to create a more level playing field for American manufacturers and companies.

I love Tom's hardware and have visited this page everyday for years, please don't go all sjw on us now. With a headline like that, you need to back it up with more than... the price of your foxconn suicide net factory goods are going to increase....... oh the horror!!!!

If you support some one who is Racist like Trump , then you support Racism. and if you are Filipino, I realy want you to look up how Racists look at Filipinos ... and how American Racist officials treated Philippine people all History , a slave state that must take commands and shut up.

anyways this is offtopic here so I will not continue this.

For one that is called HISTORY not present and second you sound more racist trying to push racist propaganda Time to grow up and stop pushing an issue that exists in all cultures if you think there are no Chinese racists or Filipino racists or Hawaiian racists or Japanese racists or Russian racists or Middle Easter racists your blind racism is world wide not just USA and just because you believe what others tell you about someone doesn't make it true. I know you want someone to blame for racism But If Trump was racist you think he would have so many multi race working for him and with him. Seriously time to open your eyes enforcing laws that already exist and prosecuting those that violate laws is what a nation does Mexico does the exact same thing with harsher sentences including death without due process. I had a friend imprisoned while we were in school for crossing into Mexican waters when he was 15 years old and was in prison for 7 months for doing so.
I love cheap technology. I love America. I hate China stealing US intellectual property and US military secrets. The title of this article is "Trump's Trade War".....really? How is a trade deficit of hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars per year, coupled with countless DEFENSE secrets being given to a country that is menacing and threatening to almost everything we stand for okay? And yet, we have slanted articles suggesting this is Trump's fault? Do you think the Clinton and Bush administrations did not compromise this country's National Security in countless ways? Yes, I like cheap tech from China, but if we can eliminate/curtail the intellectual theft and the erosion of this country's national security, then I will put up with higher prices. The unfair trade imbalance will go down the moment China's policy makers decide we mean business and can't be screwed over anymore, and will level the playing field. I am so sick of news stories acting as if there isn't a need to redress the outrageous TRADE WAR that China has been imposing on the US for decades!!!! But it's now being described as "Trump's Trade War"......what a CROCK!
Mmmm, I don't think that there are too many economists here being a technology site, this is how it looks to me, however, Trump has now initiated a trade war, and in a trade war there are no winners. There is only increasing cost.

America needs resources from other nations, it simply can not produce enough, at the desired levels of quality at desired prices to sustain growth. By slapping a tariff on goods coming from china all the US has done is made all those products more expensive for consumers. Since the costs of the increase will be passed to consumers. This will in turn lead to a reduction in demand and a reduction in demand will result in people being fired.

Reciporically, China has imposed dollar for dollar tariffs on American imports, specifically targeting sectors of the US economy that are based in regions of America that supported Trump. China is taking a targeted pain approach to its response. Much like the US it too needs to import more than it can produce (in certain trade sectors) with a population nearing 1.3 Billion people Soy is but one example.

As the tariffs bite China which has been buying land in other nations for cultivation, will seek alternate trading arrangements, indeed it has initiated the belt and road project to construct an alternative global trade network at a cost of around $1 Trillion. The more Tariffs the US inflicts, the more likely the alternatives are to be used by former allies.At a time when the US has retreated from the world stage through its failure to fill its diplomatic ranks (there are still over 1,000 empty diplomatic positions) all the US has done is create a vacuum where the loudest voice being heard is China's.

And thats not to say that China has not been a bad actor. from patents to sceince China has copied and stolen blueprints, designs and processes that were developed in the West. It then reaps the benefits of this without needing to pay for the development costs. However there are mechanism's by which these kinds of infringements can address this kind of illegality. A trade war won't either address or stop it.

Conversely America is not some kindly benevolent caretaker showering gifts on the rest of the world especially since it owes the rest of the world $21 Trillion in the form of its national debt. Rather the US has tried to assert its supremacy in all matters not least of which militarily. However that power is built on alliances with other nations, some of which are bought, others are made in exchange of services, goods technologies and so on, while more via influence. While the US rides around the world in the most expensive war machine constructed, it still needs its international allies to provide ports of call for re-supply and rest. Having military power is one thing, being able to project it is quite another. Without alliances to the EU the US would not have been able to use certain airbases that put its fighters in range of targets in the middle east. Whether America likes it or not it needs to maintain its relationships. Without them you lose supply lines and when you lose supply lines you lose wars of which the US is currently engaged in 8 (including proxy wars).

America remains a threat to its enemies because of its proximity to them via its alliances and those alliances have now been strained. This doesn't just threaten America's capabilities militarily, it threatens them economically too. The more unstable world trade becomes; the more damaged the US dollar becomes. Economics and trade are built on stability and while the US Dollar remains a reserve currency for now, other countries are beginning to look at the process of shedding that reliance and transfer their holdings to another currency.

To sum up, the US' influence is a complex weave of threads that are being damaged by the man at the top. there is little intelligence to the actions being taken, they are just simply being taken because they can be enacted swiftly and that makes Trump look busy which is good for the cameras.

The economic pain will come in three forms to average American life firstly in the form of job cuts as trade tariffs bite businesses will move production and jobs to where it is cheapest to conduct business. Secondly when the tax cuts offered by Trump's tax plan expire for middle and low income brackets (only the rich will retain theirs). And thirdly; having passed legislation to gut Social security and medicaid programs to pay for those permanent tax cuts to the wealthy leaving middle and low income America with nothing but a prayer when the full fallout from the trade war arrives.

Why don't we watch and see what happens before trying to be a prophet or someone who tries to claim a factual outcome of any of this, just like North Korea, just like Hillary being president, Trump does a wonderful job of surprising everyone. There is no law that has stayed permanent so saying a tax cut for rich is so. Gutting Social Security isn't what Trump wants that it is what a lot of career politicians want stop lying to yourself and others anyone with a brain knows Politicians in most countries are corrupt and are the cause of a lot of todays problems. If SS was ever threatened I can tell you old people will start a civil war as they have a lot of weapons are old and have nothing else to lose.

No it is not History. Racists exist everywhere . and did not go away. and Trump is one huge racist guy.

I never said there is no Racists in other nation , so dont push words in my mouth. and as I see all trump supporters have this way of attacking others and pushing words in their mouth.

and it is not a secret that TRUMP is a racist. people who work for him and not white ? they are driven by self interests or by religion .

I will stop at that. this is offtopic.
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