DerekA_C :
Why don't we watch and see what happens before trying to be a prophet or someone who tries to claim a factual outcome of any of this, just like North Korea, just like Hillary being president, Trump does a wonderful job of surprising everyone. There is no law that has stayed permanent so saying a tax cut for rich is so. Gutting Social Security isn't what Trump wants that it is what a lot of career politicians want stop lying to yourself and others anyone with a brain knows Politicians in most countries are corrupt and are the cause of a lot of todays problems. If SS was ever threatened I can tell you old people will start a civil war as they have a lot of weapons are old and have nothing else to lose.
When it comes to policy, I am not looking into a crystal ball, I'm looking at the data. Trump is not a surprising individual by any stretch of the imagination, he is predictable. Rather than give up an idea irrespective of its merits, he will double down on the idea he has 6 bankruptcies to his name because of this inclination.In addition to this he loves having his ego stroked, combining flattery with an outlandish idea that gives him camera time and, he's a happy guy. In that sense he is predictable and its why he will make the trade situation worse which in turn will cost more jobs.
With respect to what Trump wants I'll wait for what he does, I'm not going to speculate on whether he "Wants to cut social security" I know what he has called for however, more tax cuts for corporations. Those tax cuts will need to be paid for and there are only a few levers through which they can be paid; Either increasing taxes on individuals, or by cutting spending. With a republican controlled Senate and Congress I can guess what the likely outcome will be at least up to the mid-terms.