How Trump's Trade War Could Break Your PC Budget and Stifle Innovation

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When it comes to policy, I am not looking into a crystal ball, I'm looking at the data. Trump is not a surprising individual by any stretch of the imagination, he is predictable. Rather than give up an idea irrespective of its merits, he will double down on the idea he has 6 bankruptcies to his name because of this inclination.In addition to this he loves having his ego stroked, combining flattery with an outlandish idea that gives him camera time and, he's a happy guy. In that sense he is predictable and its why he will make the trade situation worse which in turn will cost more jobs.

With respect to what Trump wants I'll wait for what he does, I'm not going to speculate on whether he "Wants to cut social security" I know what he has called for however, more tax cuts for corporations. Those tax cuts will need to be paid for and there are only a few levers through which they can be paid; Either increasing taxes on individuals, or by cutting spending. With a republican controlled Senate and Congress I can guess what the likely outcome will be at least up to the mid-terms.

Dear Professor Chang: Have you ever reviewed the WTO actions regarding trade malpractices against the US? So solly, but WTO has an abysmal record of redressing China's aggressive and predatory actions...So you think decades of Intellectual Theft practices by China against the US, which has been very well documented will just kind of, go away? Not that you ever would, but anyone reading this, should have a little faith in Trump...he isn't a genius, he just isn't part of the absolutely corrupt deep state politicians that have been robbing this country blind for decades (and helped along by Professor Chang). All Trump knows is BUSINESS...he gets it....he knows we are being F^&*%^ed and he is the first elected President in a very long time that is actually trying to redress this BS.

What about the total biased data that claimed Hillary 90+% victory over Trump, data and reality doesn't always coexist now do they. Also the whole bankruptcy argument is not valid as the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos has filed chapter 11 on Amazon in 2001 so hmmm let that sink in, Oh did you know Bill Gates has filed bankruptcy as well Optim Energy LLC, a Texas electric company owned by a Bill Gates investment fund, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2014 rather recent really. Bad investment is bad investment and happens to a lot of people including the richest in the world.

It ain't the deep state that's been robbing this country blind. It's billionaires like the Kochs, Waltons, Mercers, and giant corporations like GE and TimeWarner, and so on that are robbing this country blind, making billions and paying very little to no taxes on it.
Trade deficits aren't really a thing. Think about it, if you buy something from another country, are you actually losing anything? No, you are getting something for your money. If they don't buy from us, so what? Free trade is a good thing just like lowering taxes. But I doubt this will make a huge difference. At worst things cost a few dollars more, and at best it inspires people to start companies to build components in the US again.

I totally agree with you but everyone wants to panic and point blame in every direct. Does any of it stop you from living your life, I highly doubt it but if a Nuclear War or Chemical War were to happen that would stop or change you from living your life the way you do. Which as far as I can tell Trump put a stop to that or does anyone want to try and say Obama did it.

"Professor Chang?" This mildly racist opening comment to your post serves no purpose.How about you consider avoiding racist remarks in future. In addition to this I am a Western European, and I am not of asian descent, like that matters.

China hasn't simply lifted ideas and processes from the US, it has done so for decades against every western nation. the US isn't the only party wronged and in fact they executed a hack against the ANU in Australia quite recently looking for secrets, plans, etc.

But here is my point, a trade war with China, isn't going to change this since it has already happened. China already has what it has. Rather than instigating a trade war (which isn't merely targeted at China, it involves also Canada and Mexico) that isn't actually specifically targeting market segments where IP is at play; a more appropriate strategy would be to pursue avenues related to the WTO and diplomatically through the US' allies in particular where redress from the WTO is insufficient. While seeking to reform the WTO where appropriate.

The real problem with the trade tariff approach is the fact that China is constructing an alternative platform for international trade that it controls. The more expensive the US makes trade with its partners, the more they are pushed towards that alternative.

I support smart, intelligent solutions to these kinds of problems, trade tariffs are neither since they can be countered and simply inflict costs on consumers while destroying jobs simultaneously.


and the deep state is not taxing them... they work together.

There is a science documentary that talks about shipping minerals, resources and products to other continents is not cost effective nor is it pro environment think of the cost in oil and pollution from diesel engines that are in those ships let alone the steel in ships and containers to ship the products elsewhere we have similar resources on every continent. Zeitgeist: Moving forward is an interesting documentary.

But seriously all bs aside no one wants to face the fact that the world workforce is being replaced by robotics at a steady fast pace and there isn't a field or job that couldn't be done by robotics including lawyers judges police military and every labor industry including manufacturing.

Mmmm, this is true although some nations are simply resource poor in some raw materials and have little recourse. The point you raise about automation (and its not just robotics which has been a process that has happened for decades at this point) but also AI is very succinct. While all the noise regarding Trade wars is happening, most western economies are simply not prepared for the reality of AI automation in the workplace. I read a report about this as it relates to the United States and other western economies and it highlighted that this is a field that we are woefully unprepared to deal with. I'll have to find that report again...

Those upcoming changes should be the focus of policy today rather than even contemplating that set of issues we're instead focusing on beginning a trade war.


Robotics will never replace Lawyers and Judges and police ... this is too much science fiction. And the robots at the industry are not smart ..

I really have no interest in Hillary Clinton, she is not the President of the United States. And we're not having a discussion that rehashes the merits of who won and how. The topic here is related to Trump and his policies.

The bankruptcy argument is actually valid, what isn't valid is dragging Jeff Bezos into this subject. The topic is Trump and his policies. Trumps personal history and business sense is well documented including the manner in which he doubles down on short-term strategies at the cost of the long-term outlook. Jeff Bezos is not the topic of discussion, Trump and his policies are as such his strategies are important here because policy is strategy.

Additionally, Bill Gates and his energy concern are not the topic of discussion here, Donald Trump and his policies are. I'm not playing a game of what-about-ism here. if you want to do so then start a separate topic where you can discuss the business merits of those individuals. But this topic is about Donald Trump's Policies.
Quit being grandiose, as if this is Trump represents an era of some grand scheme that lasted for decades that can be judged historically....Are you kidding me? 500 days into a first term President and his attempts to push against ACTUAL decades of corrupt policies and you are going to pose as some kind of historical moderator on China's DEFENDER regarding China's aggressive trade policies (including intentional devaluation of their currency as a weapon) others have said in their comments, this is an answer, a rebuke, a bulwark, an attempt to counteract a deeply unfair and Un-American policy. I say, Let Trump Be Trump...I think the last several decades speak for themselves in terms of what we need to reverse where things have been going. If you can't see what is/has been wrong, then you either blind, or you don't speak for common sense Americans that actually sense what has been very wrong for a long time.

That all being said, I do like cheap prices on consumer technology. But I believe Trump when he says this can all be balanced, at least a little more in favor of the US. Trump will match tariff for tariff...if another country removes theirs, we will remove ours....what is wrong with that? The US will remove all tariffs if those countries remove theirs. Not sure how you can spin your answer on that one, but go ahead...I need a laugh.
PS - it's ad hominem, not ad honinem.
Do not be discouraged! Trump, et al, is shedding the light on the corruption....never before has it become more visible what is going on! I know, I know...we were talking about the prices on tech because of "Trump", but the headline itself was's not "Trump's Tariffs"...the Tariffs Trump is talking about have been there imposed on US for a very long time...all he is arguing for is level playing tariffs are fine with him...Trump is actually for the United States....I know, kind of weird, isn't it?

Try taking a economics class, then come back and apologize for your lack of knowledge. You obviously have no idea how the world economy works.

As for Trump being a racist, name one thing he has done that has been racist? Is it his policies helping minority unemployment be the lowest in U.S. history? Is it his awards for spreading diversity in his businesses?

so your reply is just by saying : take economy class , while you cant refute anything I said .. well done :)

I know exactly how US forces Countries to sell their oil only in US$ . countries atre not allowed even to exchange their Own goods for OIL .. MUST BE US DOLLAR...

Cant trade for example Steel for oil , or Gold for oil , or silver or anything.

Actually some leaders like Ghaddafi tried to sell his oil for Gold , and introduced the African Golden Dinar idea and we all know what happened to him.

Even EU dont dare to buy Oil for Euros , USA will sanction them hard.

But is that Trumps doing, no I would say it has to do with a long line of the Bush Family. Which is one of the real reason we went to war in the middle east as they were trying to switch to EU for oil trades and he blew them up for trying, also the poppy field owned by big pharma and then there is the lithium mines which all of that is trillions in money control. Bush family goes back to Nazi ties to the fullest Their grandfather Prescott Bush helped Hitler rise to power which is easy to research their bloodline they also own a lot of oil refineries but what do I know.

Japan has Robots you can mate with and are working to develop a way to make them surrogate mothers also easy to research, So robots can be lawyers, judges, police and military as they already have drones and are working on robotics for those specific applications and there has been talks about Robotics being Judges and lawyers much harder to corrupt they will follow code that will be law and order instead of being bribed or manipulated by emotion or conflict of interest which is suppose to be illegal but goes on just about every day.

but I guess that is to science fiction for you when it is factual news in other countries.
I know what it is, MellowBrian. You can't go back and edit when using your phone to post and I don't know why my phone spelled it that way to begin with.


Now that I've got on my PC, I've fixed it to present correctly. You feel better now? :??:

You forgot Soros...but I doubt it was accidental. Fact is that EVERYONE, regardless of economic standing, that files taxes, will take every loop hole they can find and pay as little as the law allows. There are some cheats, but you can't blame the honest ones for using the exemptions allowed them.

As for corporations, it's important to remember that, they don't pay taxes, their customers do. Tax liability is factored into the price of all goods and services. I always find it funny when people call to raise taxes on corporations as that is basically asking to raise taxes on themselves.

I seriously doubt this "trade war" will last long and that the media is blowing it way out of proportion. Some of the worst are already talking about nuclear war breaking out. The rhetoric is getting out of control...again.

I don't need to refute your talking points as none of them are worth discussing. You do not understand how things work and should learn before trying to talk like you do. There is a reason for everything and your lack of understanding that leads to nonsensical arguments.

But as a small enlightenment, the US dollar is the world trade currency and the US does not profit from this, however it is acknowledgement that the US was the richest nation in the world. Standardizing all major trade, like oil, to a single currency makes it easier for everyone involved as it can be confusing trying to constantly figure exchange rates.

So yes, you need an economics class..
If there's one thing to add to this needless discussion, you heven't got a clue how chinese really think. And that is because they do not tell you. Be aware of this: all companies in china are de facto state held companies. There is no real private ownership, especially when it comes to a conflict with the chinese government. They will seize any business if needed. China is not a democracy, and it's led by a dictator.

You dont understand anything about it. when a country buys US$ the US profit from it , and they force the people to use US$ to buy OIL. NO one can buy oil from other countries using his own GOLD or for example , ANY Kind of Production he produces in his country .

Steel , Food , Gold , Silver .. not allowed by USA. he must goto USA to buy the DOLLAR then pay in DOLLAR .

They dont have the CHOICE. this is not optional , USA forces countries to buy oil only using US $ .

It is you who needs economy Class not me. There is a huge difference when you accept using the US$ in all your trade , and when you are FORCED to do so.

Actually anyone who tries to switch to euros for example will expect a civil war or invasion or sanctions or blockade from the USA.

Imagine you want to buy something from a person X in another country , then comes a person from OUTSIDE both countries and says to you : You cant do that trade by exchanging anything with him , not your currency , not his currency , not any exchange product , . I sell you US$ (and profit from that) then you give him US$ to buy his goods . this is MAFIA Style 100%.

This means Every Oil Trade that happens in the whole planet , USA gets a % from that deal ... Like a Mafia man who collect tributes from traders in the streets
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