[SOLVED] I need help with my PC case fans


Aug 8, 2019
For a good 3 minutes when I boot up the computer. It will make this awful grinding noise.. But then it goes back to sounding like normal for the rest of the day. So it only happens when I turn the computer on for the first time that day.. I can't for the life of me figure out what is causing it.. Any ideas?
the sound is coming from both case fans.
I have cleaned my pc and the problem still happening.
I can instantly make the grinding noise stop if I lightly tap the Pc case.
My PC specs:
AMD FX 6300
GTX 960
Cooler master 550W 80+ bronze
I really need your help
Hmm...Judging by what you said about tapping your case leads me to say that either they arent mounted all the way,or there is something wrong with the motor inside.Heres what i suggest u to do:
-Open ur case,take a screwdriver and mount all 4 screws all the way in for each fan
-If that doesnt solve ur problem,grab a oil can,open ur case,take the fans out,remove the sticker in the middle of the fan (which will lead u to the motor),take ur oil can and pour just a tiny bit of oil in there (like a small drop of oil)
The second method worked for me perfectly.
Good luck!
Hmm...Judging by what you said about tapping your case leads me to say that either they arent mounted all the way,or there is something wrong with the motor inside.Heres what i suggest u to do:
-Open ur case,take a screwdriver and mount all 4 screws all the way in for each fan
-If that doesnt solve ur problem,grab a oil can,open ur case,take the fans out,remove the sticker in the middle of the fan (which will lead u to the motor),take ur oil can and pour just a tiny bit of oil in there (like a small drop of oil)
The second method worked for me perfectly.
Good luck!
See my post of Sept 20/20 in this thread


Your description sounds a lot like the early stages of fan bearing failure, so see if my description describes your situation accurately.

If it does, you may need to identify which fan(s) are causing the noise. Get a pencil, open the computer case, and wait until it is cooled off completely. Start it up. Assuming you get the noise, use the rubber eraser on the pencil to reach into each fan and stop it for a few seconds, then let it go. You can identify noisy fans this way.