[SOLVED] I need help with upgrading please <3


Oct 19, 2017
Hi! my name is Korben :))

Ive saved up money for ages now and today was my 18th birthday haha I have £520 or around 600-700 US Dollars

I would like to upgrade my computer, My current rig consists of AS ROCK B450M-HDV, gtx1060 3gb, amd ryzen 5 2600, 16 gb 3000 mhz corsair vengeance and I would like to upgrade my graphics card and maybe another component? ive started to notice recently that my computer would completely freeze for split second or my browsers would freeze and then my computer would be really laggy and I dont know why but I feel like maybe upgrading will help a lot.

Any suggestions would mean a lot to me even if you can find the cheapest one/best one for its price cuz I have no clue which sites to buy from

I live in United Kingdom btw
Corsair vengeance is pretty good ram, so I wouldn't get rid of that. Especially not for just an extra 200mhz speed. Put that money towards other components. Your current ram could more than likely be overclocked to the same 3200 speed.

A 500gb ssd is worth it because a 120gb ssd is very small. The more stuff on it, the more it slows down. How much room do you have left on the 120?

The 2060 is a solid card and should show some pretty decent gains.

The 2600 is still a solid cpu, so I really see no need to upgrade that currently. You could always get a better cooler and go for a slight overclock to gain a bit of performance.
Yes, a GPU upgrade is a good choice.

What's your storage situation? SSD?

What brand, model, and wattage PSU do you have.

My SSD sadly is 120gb I think its kingston haha but its not a big deal as its mainly just for my windows and one game called Rust (my main game)
I also have a 1TB hard drive along with my PSU being 650W Corsair dont know what model exactly though
so far my cart has;

EVGA RTX2060 KO Ultra https://www.newegg.com/global/uk-en/evga-geforce-rtx-2060-06g-p4-2066-kr/p/N82E16814487488?Item=N82E16814487488
2x16GB RipJaws 3200 mhz Ram https://www.newegg.com/global/uk-en/g-skill-32gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/N82E16820232091?Item=N82E16820232091
500GB Crucial SSD https://www.newegg.com/global/uk-en/crucial-mx500-500gb/p/N82E16820156173?Item=N82E16820156173

Would this be worth it? Honestly though is there a big point in getting a 500gb SSD? I only want it if its gonna help speed up my computer and performance if not im fine with my 120gb ssd and 1tb hdd and can save it for an upgrade on the cpu to possibly a amd ryzen 7 in the future? suggestions would mean a lot <3
Corsair vengeance is pretty good ram, so I wouldn't get rid of that. Especially not for just an extra 200mhz speed. Put that money towards other components. Your current ram could more than likely be overclocked to the same 3200 speed.

A 500gb ssd is worth it because a 120gb ssd is very small. The more stuff on it, the more it slows down. How much room do you have left on the 120?

The 2060 is a solid card and should show some pretty decent gains.

The 2600 is still a solid cpu, so I really see no need to upgrade that currently. You could always get a better cooler and go for a slight overclock to gain a bit of performance.
Corsair vengeance is pretty good ram, so I wouldn't get rid of that. Especially not for just an extra 200mhz speed. Put that money towards other components. Your current ram could more than likely be overclocked to the same 3200 speed.

A 500gb ssd is worth it because a 120gb ssd is very small. The more stuff on it, the more it slows down. How much room do you have left on the 120?

The 2060 is a solid card and should show some pretty decent gains.

The 2600 is still a solid cpu, so I really see no need to upgrade that currently. You could always get a better cooler and go for a slight overclock to gain a bit of performance.

Lol I have 7gb left on my SSD which is kinda shocking my lowest point was just under 1GB before but I recently reinstalled windows also... the reason I was doing ram too is because my ram usage peaks at around 90%+ which of course makes my computer lag at times so idk if its something to do with one of the sticks idk
That could very easily explain your slow downs and freezes. I've always been told to keep at least 20% room left, so going to a 500gb would help you in this case.

Run a memtest. Windows has a built in test that, while not the best, will tell you if there's an issue. If windows is seeing and reporting your ram correctly then I doubt it's an issue with the ram itself. Make sure the ram is in the correct slots on the mobo, and the xmp profile is active.

Diagnose issues before throwing parts at it. Or you could very likely be stuck in the same situation with new parts! And that's not a good feeling.