Question I7-4790K Still Worth it? Or do I need an upgrade

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Jun 11, 2019
I have a CPU I7-4790K (not OC, just the Base clock)
GTX970 4GB

I can run the recent games (Odyssey, Sekiro, RAGE2, RE2, Darksiders3) at high or even ultra settings (medium shadows or anti-aliasing) however my CPU is reaaally old, back to 2014.

Was wondering, do I really need an upgrade?
I did some comparison with a Ryzen 5 2600 and the I7 were not so slower.

I even used GPUcheck to compare with one I5-9400F and the results only improve with 2 or 3 fps, based on the same VGA

Comparison between I74790K+ GTX970 / I5-9400F + GTX9704
Don't really think you need an upgrade, especially if are you already satisfied with what your hardware can do. If anything, you could upgrade your GPU for some higher FPS.

I was thinking about the Bottleneck, If I upgrade the GPU for a better one, if the I7 could keep up with it, although it's a old CPU still a good one with performance...Well i'm using only to gaming nowadays
I was thinking about the Bottleneck, If I upgrade the GPU for a better one, if the I7 could keep up with it, although it's a old CPU still a good one with performance...Well i'm using only to gaming nowadays

I think you could upgrade to something like an RTX-2060 or lower without much of a bottleneck. However, anything higher will probably be a waste of GPU power. The RTX-2060 will be decently better than your current gtx-970 though. Especially if you are just gaming, I'm sure you will be fine, but if you really want to upgrade your CPU, you're gonna have to upgrade your Motherboard, RAM, and CPU all at the same time, since all newer platforms require DDR4 and new motherboards.
Ehm guys ... single threaded performances of a 4790k are basically the same of a r7 2700 4ghz... So ok 4 cores and 8 threads more are helpfull in multy tasking like using browsering while you are playing and maybe using discord, but if we are talking about gaming performance is a bit "wrong" to say that will bottleneck .
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4790k is a great chip.
its got 4(8) and is fast (ppl can get em to near/above 5ghz).

even a 2070 will likely not bottleneck with it (and if does it'd be single digit%)

TBH unless you need more physical cores you wont need ugrade
To be honest in simple tasks like browsering or using discord + gaming a 4 cores 8 threada should be enogh.
To be more honest if you buy a GPU like a 2070 or above playng in 1080p is not a wast but a sin. 1440p is the right resolution and with this resolution there isn't virtually a bottleneck since Intel 3000 series CPUs.
To be even nore honest buying RIGHT NOW a GPU is not a smart move. Navi 5700 and 5700 XT are beast in their pricepoints and i'm preatty sure there will be an NVidia answare soon.
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To be honest in simple tasks like browsering or using discord + gaming a 4 cores 8 threada should be enogh.
To be more honest if you buy a GPU like a 2070 or above playng in 1080p is not a wast but a sin. 1440p is the right resolution and with this resolution there isn't virtually a bottleneck since Intel 3000 series CPUs.
To be even nore honest buying RIGHT NOW a GPU is not a smart move. Navi 5700 and 5700 XT are beast in their pricepoints and i'm preatty sure there will be an NVidia answare soon.

Thank you sir for the info, I play on my TV only in 1080p (GTX970) never realized to change in 1440p to play, i'm not that hardcore gamer that need to see all the details, 60fps and high quality is enough, But i'll keep that in mind before buy a new GPU.

furthermore Intel and Nvidia in my country are too over priced, that's why i was looking to change the setup for AMD, however i know i'll have to change the whole setup (Mobo and DDR4) even if change for another Intel

i'll look for the 5700 a bit close.
it is a fairly strong cpu. no need to upgrade the cpu. it will not bottleneck the GPU.

also here is a close enough comparison of the latest and greatest with the 4770k. you can almost compare it to the 4790k but obviously it will be faster than the 4770k


That was interesting, sure it was, I'll look to OC the 4790K, just to get some boost, since the 4770K OC ate 4.6Ghz got some good FPS at high quality and like you said, the 4790K it a bit stronger than the 4770k.

even if it's a old GPU (GTX970) it depends of how the game is using the cores and threads of GPU and CPU together to get a good FPS, however the AAA titles are using more of the GPU, so i'll look to change the GPU first, since the predicted Recommended Requirements for CyberPunk 2077 still use some "old CPU" for recommended, but soon enough i'll have to change the whole setup.

Cyberpunk 2077
Recommended Requirements, Predicted
OS: Win 10 64
Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz / AMD Ryzen R5 1600
Graphics: AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 Nano 8GB or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
System Memory: 16 GB RAM
Storage: 70 GB Hard drive space
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I play on my TV, its a 45' (i think) Full HD
So if it's 1920x1080 and only 60hz your i7 4790k is plenty. Just watch some triple A title game play videos and shoot for a graphics card that can push 60-80 fps on ultra at 1080p in the game you like. I'd say something like a GTX 1070 ti / GTX 1660ti would be more than adequate and would give you plenty of overhead before a full system platform upgrade is necessary.
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So if it's 1920x1080 and only 60hz your i7 4790k is plenty. Just watch some triple A title game play videos and shoot for a graphics card that can push 60-80 fps on ultra at 1080p in the game you like. I'd say something like a GTX 1070 ti / GTX 1660ti would be more than adequate and would give you plenty of overhead before a full system platform upgrade is necessary.

The GTX 1660Ti were in my radar yesterday, i was looking for it in the market and comparing with the 970, it's a Great GPU and not so expensive like 2070.
My suggestion is a 1660 ti for a good 1080p experience over 60 fps with no compromises or a rx 5700 for a 1440p experience with some (little compromises) or a rx 5700 xt for a no compromises one .
If you don't want wait the new card release (and i really suggest you to wait) a vega 64 on 400-450$ can give you performances between an rx 5700 or an rx 5700 xt.
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