ThrottleStop 9.3
Start by upgrading ThrottleStop. The new version no longer uses any of the WinRing0 related files so you can delete them and you can delete the RwDrv.sys file too. This new version has its own driver and is self contained. It is safer without WinRing0.
When your CPU is loaded and running below the base frequency, open Limit Reasons and post a screenshot of ThrottleStop with Limit Reasons open. This should show why your CPU is throttling. It is usually one of the power limits, PL1 or PL2, that you will see lighting up red.
I have seen some Dell laptops force the power limit down to 15W or less. This is well below the 45W TDP rating for your CPU. What laptop model do you have? Most throttling is power limit related, not thermal related.