Hello there everyone!
CPU: i7 7700
RAM: KINGSTON 8x2 GB 2400mhz
lately, I have been facing this weird problem as discussed here: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/unusual-problems-with-my-gpu-help.3720599/#post-22432860 (this post is mostly a follow up)
all these problems happened after the shipment of the entire computer, the computer works perfectly without the GPU, in fact I'm writing this from my IGPU as I also mentioned in the previous post
after what happened there in that post, I went with the computer to a hardware shop he tried booting the computer it didn't post as usual, when he switched the card with a GTX 1050 it worked like a charm, so before he came to the conclusion that my Graphics card is dead, he cleaned the GPU PCI connecter, and Lo and behold it worked, we tried everything restarting the computer plugging and replugging the Power everything that would normally make this graphics card fail, but it still worked.
eventually, when I came home and tried to boot the computer it didn't work this time, although there it worked perfectly, I tried something before I lost all hope in this GPU, I tried to make all his conditions there similar to mine so I was 100% sure that it's the GPU that was the problem, the first thing I tried is laying the computer case horizontally, the GPU worked while the case is laid down horizontally, just to make sure I tried it 3 times while it's vertical and 3 times while it's horizontal, and all the 3 times it worked while it's horizontal and I can't say the same for when it was vertical, so after installing the drivers, playing a couple of games, running the Heaven benchmark and doing all other GPU related stuff, everything seemed normal the fps was normal and the Temps were normal, so I unplugged the computer from the power then went to sleep.
The next day, I replugged the power and clicked the power button and it didn't work restarted the computer this time it worked, but the windows were so laggy and after a couple of mins of booting into windows a black screen with weird colors and artifacts shows up then the computer restarts it happened for like 3 times then the GPU refused to work, ofc I tried booting from my IGPU this time I got a BSOD while booting from the Intel GPU (PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA) keeps happening no matter how many times I boot the computer, sometimes it tries to repair itself but eventually the BSOD shows up, when I removed the GPU, everything came back to normal even the windows that should be corrupted managed to repair itself.
TL;DR: Computer worked perfectly in the hardware store, but didn't work after I returned home unless I put the case horizontally, The computer didn't work the next day and when I boot from the IGPU while the GPU is plugged in I get a BSOD unless I get the card out
after I returned to the hardware store with the GPU only cuz getting the whole case there is hard, he tried it on a whole different computer and it didn't work there no matter what, he guided me to an official Gigabyte repair shop and he told me that it could be a vbios issue, and they are the only ones that can deal with this GPU, I gave the card to them it will take mostly 3 days as they said, although they didn't inspect it or anything
so my questions are:
what could happen during shipping that would cause all this chaos?
what are the chances of it simply being a vbios issue?
could any other parts be the problem? (yes he tried it on another computer, but it could be that some part in my computer caused the GPU to be in this state)
I'm really sorry for talking a lot T_T, but this is actually my first GPU (decent computer, powerful in my eyes) that I had in my life, so naturally i am trying to do anything to get it back
Thank you in advance
CPU: i7 7700
RAM: KINGSTON 8x2 GB 2400mhz
lately, I have been facing this weird problem as discussed here: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/unusual-problems-with-my-gpu-help.3720599/#post-22432860 (this post is mostly a follow up)
all these problems happened after the shipment of the entire computer, the computer works perfectly without the GPU, in fact I'm writing this from my IGPU as I also mentioned in the previous post
after what happened there in that post, I went with the computer to a hardware shop he tried booting the computer it didn't post as usual, when he switched the card with a GTX 1050 it worked like a charm, so before he came to the conclusion that my Graphics card is dead, he cleaned the GPU PCI connecter, and Lo and behold it worked, we tried everything restarting the computer plugging and replugging the Power everything that would normally make this graphics card fail, but it still worked.
eventually, when I came home and tried to boot the computer it didn't work this time, although there it worked perfectly, I tried something before I lost all hope in this GPU, I tried to make all his conditions there similar to mine so I was 100% sure that it's the GPU that was the problem, the first thing I tried is laying the computer case horizontally, the GPU worked while the case is laid down horizontally, just to make sure I tried it 3 times while it's vertical and 3 times while it's horizontal, and all the 3 times it worked while it's horizontal and I can't say the same for when it was vertical, so after installing the drivers, playing a couple of games, running the Heaven benchmark and doing all other GPU related stuff, everything seemed normal the fps was normal and the Temps were normal, so I unplugged the computer from the power then went to sleep.
The next day, I replugged the power and clicked the power button and it didn't work restarted the computer this time it worked, but the windows were so laggy and after a couple of mins of booting into windows a black screen with weird colors and artifacts shows up then the computer restarts it happened for like 3 times then the GPU refused to work, ofc I tried booting from my IGPU this time I got a BSOD while booting from the Intel GPU (PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA) keeps happening no matter how many times I boot the computer, sometimes it tries to repair itself but eventually the BSOD shows up, when I removed the GPU, everything came back to normal even the windows that should be corrupted managed to repair itself.
TL;DR: Computer worked perfectly in the hardware store, but didn't work after I returned home unless I put the case horizontally, The computer didn't work the next day and when I boot from the IGPU while the GPU is plugged in I get a BSOD unless I get the card out
after I returned to the hardware store with the GPU only cuz getting the whole case there is hard, he tried it on a whole different computer and it didn't work there no matter what, he guided me to an official Gigabyte repair shop and he told me that it could be a vbios issue, and they are the only ones that can deal with this GPU, I gave the card to them it will take mostly 3 days as they said, although they didn't inspect it or anything
so my questions are:
what could happen during shipping that would cause all this chaos?
what are the chances of it simply being a vbios issue?
could any other parts be the problem? (yes he tried it on another computer, but it could be that some part in my computer caused the GPU to be in this state)
I'm really sorry for talking a lot T_T, but this is actually my first GPU (decent computer, powerful in my eyes) that I had in my life, so naturally i am trying to do anything to get it back
Thank you in advance