Question Installing RGB fans with 1 RGB header


Feb 12, 2015
I have the Asus Prime Z370-A prime. This motherboard only has 1 RGB header on the mother board. If I want to install multiple RGB fans including CPU cooling would it be better to use a controller or just use a splitter and control all components with the Asus Aura Sync program.
If anybody has an suggestions on what would be best it would be greatly appreciated.
RGB header (4-pin RGB_HEADER)
This connector is for RGB LED strips.

RGB header supports 5050 RGB multi-color LED strips (12V/G/R/B), with a maximum power rating of 2A (12V), and no longer than 2 meters. Non-addressable RGBs, the whole strip/array of RGB LEDs displays one color at any time

That sums it up what your motherboard has.

RGB fan lighting are often Addressable RGBs, each RGB LED (or segment/block of RGB LEDs) can display a different color. Everything that non-addressable RGB does but more fancy animation/striping/chasing effects are possible. +5v Addressable headers are found on the better more expensive motherboards. That sums up what you don't have on your motherboard.

What fans you have, I don't know. Your refer to them as "multiple RGB fans".
I have not purchased the RGB fans yet, I am looking at what is compatible with Asus Aura. I want to controler everything individually to select which colors I would want.