Question Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking - Internet sharing / hotspot

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Jul 6, 2018
Dear all

I have an iphone.
I have a laptop with Windows installed.

My iphone is not jailbroken. It is full updated. I have no suspicious apps installed.

Can my iphone get virus, malware etc.?

Can iphone virus, malware etc. infect a Windows system?
Can Windows virus, malware etc. infect an iphone?

I have used my iphones internet sharing / hotspot, to connect my laptop to the internet.

Can my iphone spread virus, malware etc. to my laptop, if the lapotop use the iphones internet sharing / hotspot?

If my iphone is hacked, can the hacker then get access to my laptop, if the laptop is connected to the iphones internet sharing / hotspot?

Iphone internet sharing / hot spot, is that like a network, where all units connected can see and “interact” with eachother?

Thank you
Best regards
Appears to be a homework or test assignment. Forum rules prohibit such assistance.

May not be homework or a test but there is no way to truly know from this end....

= = = =

Start by answering your own questions. What do you think the answers are?

And why or why not?

Cite sources/references.

Consider that all five questions could be a yes.

How will you protect your iphone, laptop, network, and personal data?

Post accordingly then ask for comments and suggestions.
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