Is intel screwing everybody ?


Mar 1, 2009
i've been reading alot about the core i5 and it seems that even the cheapest i5 750 can keep up with the core i7 920 and in some cases beat it. i don't know about you guys but i am feeling like intel screwed everybody that bought the core i7 cpu. at the time(when released) i paid 300+ for the i7 plus 300 for a x58 board plus another 180 or so on tripple channel memory(6GB @1600Mhz) now(a year later) a $200 cpu can keep up and sometimes surpase my i7 on cheaper components, whys is that? like i said i am feeling alittle screwed by intel, anyone else feeling the same way?
i7 is still better for applications, in video games i5 tend to be very close to 920 tho. The prices for a 920 vs a i5 is 150-200$+, prices haven't dropped since you bought it i believe
technology tends to go in one direction and that is advancement. yeah the i5 just as fast as a 920, what would you expect after two years?

the 920 is still more capable because it has a much better motherboard. intel decided to make i5 mainstream so the average joe could have a fast rig.

i don't believe intel screwed anybody. if anything they are now appealing to more people due to lower costs with high performance.

I built i7 system last april. i pay cpu: 200, motherboard: 220 , 6gb memory: 75. It is not that bad for me.

computer parts will get better, faster and cheaper as time passes, but i do not think i need to upgrade my rig any time soon. oc at 3.8 , it is pleanty fast for me. I will wait for next generation which will be compatible with 1366 socket. If i can find a good deal, all i need is drop the new cpu to the existing socket. that is the feature new core i5 and i 7 owner do not exist.

Borrowed an 15 build from one of my vendors for the weekend, and did some testing with my most used apps (PS CS4, Maya 3d, ACAD). In this arena, the i5 just can't compare. Of course, the i7 920 can't compare with a proper WS, either, but until a client 'gifts' me a real WS, my i7 build will do the wee bit of occasional work that I do.

In the occasional game that I run, it is 'fast enough'.

How can you even say lga 1156 is already dead man? It's band new, it will have new updates too, maybe just not as powerful as i9, they will most likely do as they just did, give a very good cpu a bit cheaper for the people who want performance at a smaller price.

i am not whining i just surprised that the i7 got surpased so fast as opposed to the q6600 witch is still going strong and it what 3 plus years old.
1. In cpu tech it will always be like this, sometimes sooner than later. Great for new buyers.
2. It is intel, what did u expect? Their plans were announced a long time ago and yes they will screw you again and again and again. They are known to change sockets after a year or two, so live with it. But hey, you still have the fastest quad around!
Honestly I'm happy that the Intel core i5 is fast. Because as far as I'm concerned it makes me all the more excited about their new 6 and 8 core processors coming out for the 1366 socket. Because it proves that they are still able to continue making things better and better and for even more reasonable prices. I mean yes with technology everything does generally get better and better and eventually become cheaper as well. But the rate that Intel continues to make better and better stuff just simply has be excited to see what they come out with next.

Although I'm somewhat worried about AMD, because if they don't either drop the prices of their current products or manage to come out with something new that can actually compete their gonna be in trouble.
you didnt get screwed, because i7 has some advantages over the i5

i7 920 supports hyperthreading while i5 doesn't

i7 920 have triple channel memory, while i5 has dual

i7 920 motherboards supports x16 x16 on both sli and crosefire while i5 supports x8 x8 MAX with sli or crosefire.

on the other hand,

i5 have on die PCI Express controller which will reduce the latency between gpu and cpu, so if you have a single gpu on 1136 (p55) vs single gpu 1366 (x58) on most cases 1136 will win, however if u do sli or crosse fire 1366 (x58 motherboard) will win because it supports x16 x16 double bandwith than what a p55 gives.

one more thing is that core i5 turbo boost gives about 500 mhz while i7 920 gives 133 mhz (aka goes up by 1 multiplyer), however i7 920 is easly overclocked and can go beyond that.

besids all that i7 socket 1366 is going to be for the future cpus so u can upgrade to the new core i9 which i heard will have 6 cores.

Very well said my friend