
Jun 26, 2001
I got my hands on Halo, but da shizzle don't run too fast on my 1.2Ghz T-Bird, Quadro DCC, 1GB DDR (I wanna cry). It feels pretty smooth (I'm used to 100FPS in CS...) @ 800x600 and just a tad unsmooth at 1024x768...maybe I'll use FRAPS and check out my actual FPS. Thus it may soon be time to replace Da Tank, cause I promised myself I'd use it till it couldn't run new games well. This is pushing it over the edge now.

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


Captain Obvious feels compelled to point out that yes, your system is old and needs upgrading!

<b><font color=red>Captain Obvious To The Rescue!!!</font color=red></b>


Dec 30, 2001
Under the Obvious cercustance that if he wants to beat Halo. If he wants to continue to play COunterstrike, his system is fine. But personally, I suggest an upgrade.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


So what are you gonna buy?

A Quadro?
Or did you just create a useless thread regarding a CPU upgrade?

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:


Jun 26, 2001
Naw, the vid card goes too actually, in fact I'm gonna build a system from scratch. For vid card, whatever's best (and non ati :evil: ) around NV40 release...

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


Dec 30, 2001
I'm just curious what has you so sold on nVidia. No comapany is perfect and that includes both nVidia & ATi.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


I'm just wondering why he'd go for anything non-ATI if ATi dominated during NV40 as well.

You can't expect a mentally hurt kid to change, a sign of maturity stagnating.

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:


Jun 26, 2001
You have no proof of me being mentally hurt. Part of the reason I always so non ati is for argument's sake, just b/c it stirs up debate and is fun to argue over.

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


Jun 26, 2001
Well, most people around here use NV and we've just got accustomed to it. I've had terrible driver problems with Ati, and still don't trust em. Haven't had driver problems wuth NV, nor have my friends, so I still trust em. In general I just get a bad feeling about that company (just a vibe) and it's fun to stir up debates where it's me vs. THG:) I'm not as much for NV as I am for anyone other than Ati, and that includes the underdog like Volari. I was really excited about Parhelia, still wish it kicked arse. Finally, there is the whole thing about quadros. It's a fact that the GF FX is geared more towards OGL, and that is what I use in 3d s max (actually Maxtreme which is OGL + software). It woops Ati in that respect, and I thus have for respect for NV for my uses, which include pro cards. The Firegls were good, I do remember at one time wanting one.

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


do try to be less condescending you brat

Great news, I just stirred you up so well in the pot.

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:


I've had terrible driver problems with Ati, and still don't trust em.
Considering they ARE more stable than the Detonators now, and that everyone is switching and having little problems, I'd say your basis has become absolutely used up, nonsense. You're clinging on the past when you should try asking some who bought the recent ones with recent drivers how they feel.

I guess if AMD had horrible chipsets for the K6, and you had bad experience then, to this day you'd never get an AMD anymore, by your logic.

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:


Jun 26, 2001
I am yet to get a driver problem with my NV card, so why should I switch something that I know to be working with something else? K6 wasn't that great a processor, and I knew it, but I still got an AMD. Reason I got an AMD was again, because of a reason specific to me- I needed something with a kickass FPU. Again, I need something specific to OGL here too, ie NV if we talk about right now.

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


K6 wasn't that great a processor, and I knew it, but I still got an AMD.
That is beside my analogy's intention dude.

And that's beside the point, I understand your needs and that's not what I meant. I mean from a purely decisive POV. Suppose your bro wanted a gamer card. Basically you are continuing to shun ATi, even if you recommend it to friends, but you probably wouldn't for your own house.

Getting you to switch for your own comp when you need a Quadro would be silly on my part, and that is not what I am doing.

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Eden on 10/02/03 11:37 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 30, 2001
It's a fact that the GF FX is geared more towards OGL, and that is what I use in 3d s max (actually Maxtreme which is OGL + software). It woops Ati in that respect, and I thus have for respect for NV for my uses, which include pro cards.
You BET nVidia <i>definitely</i> whoops ATi's arse in OpenGL! Especially when using <b>12-bit</b> Floating Point Precision & Vendor Specific Rendering Paths, the way games are meant to be played.

Anywayz, I hope your able to get some decent parts for your upgrade, and some AWESOME prices too. :smile:

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


Jun 26, 2001
Lol, I'm seeing awesome not in the sense as kickass deal but as Holy sh!t, u spent how much on 4 processor system???!!! Hehe. I'm sure the 21 or 23" LCD is gonna jack up the price.

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


Jun 26, 2001
Everyone seems to be satisfied with the pc's I've built for em, das why the last guy paid me $400 to build him one and I split it 50/50 with a friend of mine.

The one and only "Monstrous BULLgarian!"


Flamethrower brings up some good points of why he doesn't & a lot of other gamers don't want to touch ATI.

I game & that's really about all I do with my machine. The machines I build are gaming machines for gamers & most of them are friends or clan members. Now I'm not saying a thing against ATI in the least. I wouldn't argue one little bit about how ATI's are faster & the filtering is better, & all that's been said on this forum. However having said that, I can't get a gamer around here to touch a ATI card period. It's exactly the reasons that Flame stated.

Please no flames. I'm trying to make a point that I think is over looked on the forum, verses the general gaming public. I'm not trying to say Nvida is better than ATI, don't go there, please. At least here in the mid west, Flamethrowers reasons are very valid.

I'm the type of guy that has to have ran something in my machine to really see what it does for me. Benches are nice to read, look at & all. I make a decision on benches, but until I have it in my machine & put it through my paces, benches don't mean a whole lot to me, until I see the results myself.

I've tried talking the last 4 customers into a ATI until I'm blue in the face. I want to put one in a machine really bad to judge it for myself. I've had no takers. The last 4 machines I've built either have the 4200 or 4600 cards in them. They all believe the FX line is crap as well. So there you have it.

What am I running & why? I'm running the 4600. Why, because it's the fastest card I've ever had in my machine. I get 13600 3Dmarks with it. I bought it when it came out. Will my next card be ATI? I have no idea at this point. The earliest I'm going to be looking for a card is about Q2 or Q3 next year. That will be after HL2 & Doom3 are out for awhile. I'll be looking at the next gen., or after. If I've handled a ATI card & see the difference, then & only then would I get a ATI at that point. If I haven't had the chance to play with a ATI card & they are both as close as they are now, my nod would go to Nvidia. I know that rubs some people the wrong way, but until I actually get a top of the line ATI card (I always run the TOL cards when I buy), I won't change my opinion about ATI just form the benches I read & the opinions here on the forum. Would I buy a Ati card after having played with both of them & proving it to myself, dam straight. Then & only the would I make that decision.

I'd also say that I have the luxury of making decisions like this because, I handle so much equipment that I can make my decisions this way. Not everyone is able to do this & I would be the first one to agree with that fact as well.

I believe that a lot of the people that talk up a lot of things here, have 1. never ran what they're talking about. 2. are only quoting benches w/o any experience & 3. are quoting what they themselves would like to have. I'm not saying that pertains to everyone here either & certainly not you, believe me. It also doesn't just pertain to this forum either.

So that's my take on things. I didn't try & offend anyone. I tried to explain what I see is the more grass roots opinion that I see between the 2 cards & the forum's view. The other side of the coin, so to speak.

Dazzle them with Brilliance, or Baffle them with BS! :wink:


Dec 30, 2001
You bring up some valid points that I think are definitely worth considering.

I believe that a lot of the people that talk up a lot of things here, have 1. never ran what they're talking about. 2. are only quoting benches w/o any experience & 3. are quoting what they themselves would like to have. I'm not saying that pertains to everyone here either & certainly not you, believe me. It also doesn't just pertain to this forum either.
I can say most of us including myself are Guilty of points #1 & #2. But I don't think we're really to blame. As a community helping others out, we can only do our best. Since we don't get the opportunities like you said to always try for ourselves what we reccomend, are best generally involves evaluating professional opinion, benchmarks, Image Quality Screenshots, & observations of other Forum Users. I wish we could all have more hands-on experience with each individual card, but we can only use what we have at our disposal unfortunately. And for most of us, the resoruces at our disposal does not include every Graphics Card on the market. Also, when purchasing Graphics cards, factors other than performance & image quality arrise. Such factors include but are not limited to Price/perfomance ratio, product stability, product compatibility, just to name the main ones off the top of my head.

As far as point #3, I usually reccomend what the situation at hand calls for. Some people want High image quality at a low price. Others want hte best thing on the market. Those who are willing only to take nVidia cards, I generally reccomend a Geforce 4 Ti card. And to those who want the best thing on the market, I have reccomended the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro in the past. For those who want high performance at a non-exorbitant price, I genarlly reccomend the Radeon 9700 non-pro. For those who are gamers on an extremely thin budget, I reccomend GF$ TI 4200. For those users that don't want to engage in any 3D Gaming or only want to play DX7/DX8 games on extrmely rare occaisions, I would reccomend the Radeon 9100/8500LE. For those who are budget 2D users, well a GeForce2 MX would probably do the trick or a Radeon 7000, heck even a TNT2 or less would work for them!

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


I wouldn't disagree with your recommendation's at all.

I don't handle everything that's out there either. I don't have a shop. I build out of my house, but do build quite a few machines. So I didn't mean to imply that I handle all vid cards that are out there either.

I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm just trying to be honest, is all. :wink:

Dazzle them with Brilliance, or Baffle them with BS! :wink:


Feb 24, 2002
I owned a TI4400, and had it ocd to like 325/640. I used to be a big nV supporter. Before the first FX5800 review came out I even had a crazy sig about it, you can look through my posts if you want to see it. Now I have a 9800 Pro (also OCd). Is it faster? Hella faster. Does AA and aniso do what theyre supposed to? You bet. Image quality? Better than my ti4400 (and I used riva tuner to lower LOD). And AA/aniso runs fast as a bitch too. Driver problems? ZERO. Did I have experience with ATI products before I bought one? No. I looked at the FACTS, and evaluated opinions, and came to the conclusion that ATI was the way to go. You're not looking at the facts, what's said on this board is not all opinion.

Stop asking people "whats up" or "hows it goin", you know you don't give a sh*t. And noone cares how you're doing either.

"We are far less than we knew." - Bright Eyes


Oh yes, I agree with you there Willamette. That's exactly why I'm here. I see what's written & read the reviews. I know ATI's are great cards. When it is my turn to buy another card I'll take the plunge myself, if nobody else does here, to ATI just to see. That is if it's still on top then, which it very well could be for all I know. If I were buying for myself today I'd get the 9800 XT. Once I had it running, then I'm sure I'd be able to have a more convincing argument in ATI's favor than I do now for my clients. They sit down at my machine now & play with it running 1280 x 1024 & 75 hz. & they want one just like it. I'm the one that usually has to break the ice.

Dazzle them with Brilliance, or Baffle them with BS! :wink: