
Oct 25, 2004
who's doing the damage. well it's me. today at work, staples, i sold a total of 6 nVidia 5700 agp's. i know it was wrong to tell the folks they would do the trick and all but deep down inside i kinda enjoyed it. oh yah and they are all $199. i am a waste of skin its true.


You should be sentenced to game on one for 6 years. Let the THGC trial begin. :wink:

<font color=red>WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning!</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"> My</A> <A HREF="" target="_new">Gamer</A>


Mar 10, 2003
At least you knew what you were doing, that just makes you evil.

I've overheard some stuff at places like that (staples, office depot etc.) and I'm convinced that the sales person really believed what he was saying, which makes him evil AND stupid.


Oct 25, 2004
oh i work with a couple of those guys spitoon. they think that because its on the shelf it has to be close to the best. i on the otherhand have had no training from staples and they pay me a whoping 8.15 an hour so thats about how hard i try to inform the customer(if you can call it that :wink: ).

also lets be honest, people who shop for computer equipment at staples for any other reason than to "surf the net" don't know jack anyway. i mean those 6 cards i sold, those folks probably think they got a deal and are quite happy with it, so it all works out.


Evil > Stupid

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9700 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 332/345)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>3200+</b></font color=red> <i>(Barton 2500+ o/c 400 FSB)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>5,354</b>


Mar 2, 2003
It is pretty evil. Consider this, if they wanted to play games, you screwed them! If they only wanted to surf the net, they paid too much!

I work at EB, and technically, I'm not allowed to say a game is bad, but we are allowed to recommend a better one. For example, customer looking for a good FPS and picks up Postal 2, it's fine for me to show them HL, Painkiller, or frankly any other game for that matter, cause pretty much all are better.

I remember my first week, a women came in and brought the game "Survivor" (based on the show). What a POS game, it took all my power not to tell her that the game was $h*t and to try something else.


Or Evil > Ignorant...

Sometimes very smart people can be evil, so I don't think Evil necessarily = Ignorant OR stupid.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9700 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 332/345)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>3200+</b></font color=red> <i>(Barton 2500+ o/c 400 FSB)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>5,354</b>
Funny thing is, that then there's people like me who go to staples to buy some office supplies, overhear you saying what you say, and then we think Damn that clerk's st00pid, almost as dumb as the guy paying for that CraP! :evil:

I still wonder if Eden ever feels the need to be a little 'murky' in order to make a sale.

"Push the HP Crap-eons, we have too many in stock and we can't get the next generation Crud64s if we don't have these off inventory." :lol:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Yup, lol. Stooopid is exacty what we assume when we over-hear those recomendations.

<font color=red>WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning!</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"> My</A> <A HREF="" target="_new">Gamer</A>


Mar 2, 2003
My favourite is getting into arguments with these morons. There's not much I enjoy more than proving them wrong. Especially when they're feeding some poor shmuck BS about something and you interrupt and set the guy straight.


Dec 31, 2007
Depends on what you call smart, using your life to improve Earth or to destroy it. Smart doesn't kill needlessly or destroy civilization as evil does. Smart is not evil. Evil is not smart. Evil can have a high IQ, but that doesn't mean shoot in life, unless you better your world instead of destroying what others have built. And that is the truth.

"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)


May 29, 2003
Kinda sucks :(

But my brother shops at Staples all the time and it is pretty well established that Staples = Expensive. People shop there for 1) convienence and 2) return policy. Die hard gamers are not shopping there. If they wanted the "best deal on the best part" they would go to BestBuy or CompUSA.

So while it is a stinky deal, they only paid about $50 too much (which is about normal Staples markup!!). And if they were serious about gaming you could have shown them the 9800SE for $350 ;)

Btw, this is one reason why PC Gaming sucks. As much as I love it, the fact is a TON of consumers are duped and get substandard gaming experiences for their cash.
Dude, you don't know what you're Talking about!

<A HREF="" target="_new">Evil IS Smart, because Good is DUMB</A>! :evil:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Dec 31, 2007
Let me guess, you are a under 30 year old with an education paid for by taxpayers administered by liberal teachers who have NEVER had to earn a living or actually be held to account for their views in real life. heh. It isn't your fault you DON'T KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG OR GOOD FROM EVIL. heh. Good luck.

"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)


Oct 25, 2004
you guys are funny, good vs evil, thats gold. perhaps i should explain, i am a 21 year old student who works 10 hours a week at STAPLES. i work at STAPLES!!!
evil is the only thing i have going for me at the moment.

plus the 5700 is the best card we offer so i did do the best i could. well not really.

EDIT: look who's a member :smile:

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by johnnyinternet on 02/08/05 01:19 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


I still wonder if Eden ever feels the need to be a little 'murky' in order to make a sale.
Oh trust me I try not to. Most of the time I tell them (with a low tone) to avoid them if they want highest end gaming. I mean, most of the cards are returned by deception anyways, ya see so many "Repackaged" stickers on them. Really, where we excel IMO is peripherals. Keyboards, mice, even UPS', and networking are all prime targets for nice deals. I guarantee you that at least. I bought my MX310 after a price guarantee there for a mere 31$ tax inc., retail box. Sometimes you can get, like I did, a 802.11g router with 108Mbps technology for like 69.99$ after mail-in rebate, and about 69.99$ as well for the cardbus adapter.
And of course lots of nice offers on the occasional PC supplies like CD-Rs and DVD recordables.
The things you can go there to buy and know they are sold at market or below average pricing are printers, speakers, scanners, PC games (don't contest that, if I bought HL2 for 49.99$ when it released and Doom III for 59.99$ when it was 64.99$ and 69.99$ elsewhere then that's enough proof :wink: ) and digicams.
As many know, I do my research. So what I said above applies thoroughly. I would buy a printer from my company any time. Same thing for keyboards/mice, networking, etc. If it's lower elsewhere, I pricematch * 1.5 and boom, voilà, got my deal.

That said, it sometimes gets hard to tell the consumer "that one sucks". The way a salesman can sell well is to believe in his product. So you try to find the good in anything to sell it. Sometimes slip in an "honestly,...".

The <b><A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=red>THGC Photo Album</font color=red></A></b>, send in your pics, get your own webpage and view other members' sites.


You devil you are! :tongue:

I've been trying to sway the customers AWAY from them! :lol:

The <b><A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=red>THGC Photo Album</font color=red></A></b>, send in your pics, get your own webpage and view other members' sites.


oh i work with a couple of those guys spitoon. they think that because its on the shelf it has to be close to the best. i on the otherhand have had no training from staples and they pay me a whoping 8.15 an hour so thats about how hard i try to inform the customer(if you can call it that).
Man is it me or ever since they cut the quarterly bonuses in exchange of the TSP, our whole social advantages have gone down the drain? I mean, poor wages, no commission (which I am ok with), no quarterly bonuses, wtf? We work our asses to bring them ESPs!

What's your average ESP percentage there?

The <b><A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=red>THGC Photo Album</font color=red></A></b>, send in your pics, get your own webpage and view other members' sites.