What an absolute train wreck Microsoft has become under Ballmer. First they fight their customers on the Windows Start button and then finally relent only to bring it back as a simple trigger for Metro - almost like a back-handed slap in the face for loyal customers. Now a SECOND spokesperson tells people to 'deal with it' to the point of suggesting that they don't upgrade if they can't take the requirements (or meet them for that matter - yeah, screw you farmboys!!!) My only explanation is that Ballmer has offered a prize to the first employee who can bury Microsoft the quickest and everyone is lining up to throw Bill's company into the shredder at lightning speed. A World Class Corporation, once the admiration of the World, reduced to this pathetic, unprofessional pig-headed disaster of a tech company that even children know enough to mock openly in the street...How anyone on that Board sleeps at night with that buffoon in charge is quite beyond me. The Shareholders need to act - NOW!