Question Motherboard is Stuck


Dec 9, 2018
My motherboard has recently become completely and utterly stuck on the BIOS Splash Screen. I was playing my game and audio\Frames were bad so I restarted the computer via the window key. It goes the the Splash Screen and stays there. I cannot go to the Setup manager or boot list.

My PC is as follows:
I7 3770k
B75m-d3h rev 11 gigabyte board
RX580 by Gigabyte
EVGA 750Gq Gold
2 hard drives, 1ssd and 1hdd
Motherboard hanging on boot is usually because of a hardware failure. Is the game you were playing installed on the HDD? If you open your computer case and move your ear closer, when the computer is running, do you hear any clicking noise coming from the HDD? Sort of a continuous clunking sound or a clunk and buzz or scratch.

Most of my games are installed on an HDD but I use an external WD passport so I can't hear anything
How is the hard drive connected? USB3.0? Unplug it and then try booting. The USB port or controller could be faulty or the external drive interface controller could be faulty. If that doesn't change anything, unplug your SSD and see if the computer allows you to enter bios or shows error that the hard drive is missing.