Question MSI X470 Mobo - Getting 6 beeps on Startup


Jul 17, 2012
Yeah, just as the title says. No display and no post and the 6 beeps. This is really frustrating, I already have spend days trying to troubleshoot and fix the issue. This is not a new build, but this only started after trying to put all the parts on a different case. The mobo is getting power, getting led lights, ram, gpu, fans also getting power. Tried to re-seat ram, cpu (cleaned and put new thermal past, also cleaned heat sink), re-seat video card, make sure all cable are connected and secure (all the way in and not loose), cmos reset (removed battery and waited past 5 minutes before putting it back), change cable (tried hdmi, dvi), different monitor, still nothing. No display and the 6 beeps still persists. This is really downing. I think I might have fried or short circuited my mobo (not really sure if it will power on if it is). MSI info says 6 beeps could be an issue with the cpu or mobo, but have no other pc to switch and try things out. Any help or idea on this is really appreciated. Thank you

Mobo: MSI X470 Gaming Pro Carbon
CPU: Ryzen 2700 (non x)
Ram: Corsair RGB Vengeance Pro DD4
Video Card: MSI RTX 2070 8GB
Case: Musetex ATX PC
Monitor: Samsung Odyssey G5

Video of Issue:
You forgot to mention the make and model of your PSU and it's age. From your video, you're also using the PCIe auxiliary power cables in the wrong way you're advised not to daisychain them, instead have them like so:

Try and work with rams in slots A2 and B2. Are all sticks of ram with the same PCB revision?

this only started after trying to put all the parts on a different case.
What were you working with before and what did you swap it to? Breadboard the system and see if that helps bring life to the platform.