So, yesterday I was playing Valorant on my PC, then suddenly the electricity went off and my PC forcedly turned off. When the electricity went on again, I tried to turn it on again, but my PC didn't turned on, no LED blinking, no fan rotating, no sound or whatsoever. I checked everything on the motherboard and I thought there's no issue (no bubbled or burnt), I reseat/unplug and plug every thing on the motherboard, still no luck. So I thought again, maybe it's the PSU, I bought a new PSU and tried to turn it on again, still no luck, tried to plug directly to wall outlet/socket, nothing happen. So maybe it's the power switch not triggering, so I unplug the power SW pin and use a screwdriver to turn it on manually, but nothing still happen. Help, I ran out of idea. I really wanna repair it by myself before going to computer shop. I'd appreciate your help!
My PC spec:
I bought a new PSU:
- PSU Armageddon Voltron Bronze 300FX 300-600W 80+
So, yesterday I was playing Valorant on my PC, then suddenly the electricity went off and my PC forcedly turned off. When the electricity went on again, I tried to turn it on again, but my PC didn't turned on, no LED blinking, no fan rotating, no sound or whatsoever. I checked everything on the motherboard and I thought there's no issue (no bubbled or burnt), I reseat/unplug and plug every thing on the motherboard, still no luck. So I thought again, maybe it's the PSU, I bought a new PSU and tried to turn it on again, still no luck, tried to plug directly to wall outlet/socket, nothing happen. So maybe it's the power switch not triggering, so I unplug the power SW pin and use a screwdriver to turn it on manually, but nothing still happen. Help, I ran out of idea. I really wanna repair it by myself before going to computer shop. I'd appreciate your help!
My PC spec:
- Motherboard MSI H410M (Socket 1200)
- Intel core i3 10100F 3.6 GHz Socket 1200
- Memory HyperX DDR4 8GB 2666MHz (x2)
- VGA GeForce GTX 750Ti 4GB DDR5
- Casing GameMax Aero Mini
- 3 Fan Case
- Power Supply Unit Aerocool 500W 80+
I bought a new PSU:
- PSU Armageddon Voltron Bronze 300FX 300-600W 80+