Hey guys just wondering if anyone has any opinions on my bulid ill list the pc part picker link everything listed as purchased i already have but now i am trying to decide which GPU and CPU to buy as i need an improvement my current ones are RX 570 4GB and Intel i3-9100f, currently i think im going to pick up a 8GB 1080 Turbo off ebay second hand ill list the link if that helps and the CPU i think i will get is the i5-9600k.
My mind is mostly made up on the CPU but if someone suggests something that seems better for a reasonable price then i could definitely change my mind, mostly just asking about the GPU kinda scared as it is preowned and ive never bought anything used but i know alot of people do,
The seller is well rated and sells lots of parts and $340 AUD (Australian Dollars) seems like a great deal considering how powerful it still is i was comparing it to other cards such as the 2060 and 1660 super and some others, the price for performance seems so good to me but if there is another card i could get new with equal or better performance for ideally no more then like $450 AUD then that would be great its just the market in Australia is kinda horrible and there arent alot of knew GPUS in stock at alot of places so any suggestions would be great, also i know my Mobo isnt great kinda just not in the mood to upgrade it at the moment will definitely soon though,
Thanks Dylan
GPU - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ASUS-GeForce-GTX-1080-8GB-Turbo-Graphic-Card-TURBO-GTX1080-8G/324433120467?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
PcPARTPICKER - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ydDwCz
My mind is mostly made up on the CPU but if someone suggests something that seems better for a reasonable price then i could definitely change my mind, mostly just asking about the GPU kinda scared as it is preowned and ive never bought anything used but i know alot of people do,
The seller is well rated and sells lots of parts and $340 AUD (Australian Dollars) seems like a great deal considering how powerful it still is i was comparing it to other cards such as the 2060 and 1660 super and some others, the price for performance seems so good to me but if there is another card i could get new with equal or better performance for ideally no more then like $450 AUD then that would be great its just the market in Australia is kinda horrible and there arent alot of knew GPUS in stock at alot of places so any suggestions would be great, also i know my Mobo isnt great kinda just not in the mood to upgrade it at the moment will definitely soon though,
Thanks Dylan
GPU - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ASUS-GeForce-GTX-1080-8GB-Turbo-Graphic-Card-TURBO-GTX1080-8G/324433120467?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
PcPARTPICKER - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ydDwCz
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