I just built an I9-9900k last summer. It's my CAD station. I do FEA and Motion and Rendering too.
It's very fast. But even with good cooling it's not much for OC. 5% maybe, 10% at the most. Not like the old days were you could a get 30-40% improvement.
Cooling: It's also a very hot running ezbakeoven, even with watercooling w/ an H100i. I would not consider air cooling on this CPU. The H100i is about $150 and worth it.
Storage: You are doing storage intensive tasks. If you want it to be fast, switch over to M.2 drives. Or SSD at the very least. Say goodbye to spinning platters unless you just need massive amounts of storage. In which case, get your OS, Scratch, work disks as the SSD/M.2 and once you are done with the project move it over to a spinning platter.
Motherboard: I got the Maximus Hero XI from Asus for my build. Seems OK. Asus makes good stuff, you are OK there.
RAM: Go Faster. My board does 3600 w/ corsair memory (I have 128GB). Now there are 4000mhz chips on the market.
GPU: My personal opinion is to avoid AMD at all costs. nVidia all the way.
Power: if you can find one, bump that up to 750 or 850. They don't like running at Maximum.