I've borrowed a 3090 Gigabyte from a friend, and been having issues with it when I put my PC to sleep. I've a 2080 super, and never had an issue with sleep, and even if I replace the cards right now and don't change anything, it'll work with no problems.
The funny thing is: with the 3090, if I set the PC into sleep mode the first time it works as expected, the PC wakes up just fine. But if I put it in sleep mode again, it'll crash. Sometimes I get no video at all, and sometimes the PC reboots.
There are no events in the event viewer.
Been using the PC for a day now and found no issues while running the 3090, and gaming with it. The issue is with the sleep.
Tried a couple things I've found, but no luck:
Motherboard: MSI Meg x570 Ace
BIOS Ver: E7C35AMS.1I2
Working card: MSI 2080 Super
Faulty card: Gigabyte 3090 Gaming OC
Running it on PCIE Gen3, Chipset Gen3 too (x8+x8) lanes.
Next steps: Update BIOS to latest version, maybe installing an old driver version (from february maybe)
Thanks in advance !
I've borrowed a 3090 Gigabyte from a friend, and been having issues with it when I put my PC to sleep. I've a 2080 super, and never had an issue with sleep, and even if I replace the cards right now and don't change anything, it'll work with no problems.
The funny thing is: with the 3090, if I set the PC into sleep mode the first time it works as expected, the PC wakes up just fine. But if I put it in sleep mode again, it'll crash. Sometimes I get no video at all, and sometimes the PC reboots.
There are no events in the event viewer.
Been using the PC for a day now and found no issues while running the 3090, and gaming with it. The issue is with the sleep.
Tried a couple things I've found, but no luck:
- Disabling "hybrid sleep" (works enabled with the 2080s)
- Disabling "Turn on fast startup" (works enabled with the 2080s)
- Disabling "Global C-state Control" (both works with the 2080s)
- Tested in both Win10 and Win11 (both works with the 2080s)
- Tested with Nvidia drivers: 522.25 and 517.48 (both works with the 2080s)
Motherboard: MSI Meg x570 Ace
BIOS Ver: E7C35AMS.1I2
Working card: MSI 2080 Super
Faulty card: Gigabyte 3090 Gaming OC
Running it on PCIE Gen3, Chipset Gen3 too (x8+x8) lanes.
Next steps: Update BIOS to latest version, maybe installing an old driver version (from february maybe)
Thanks in advance !