Question New Mob, RAM, & CPU. Computer hard freezes and other things. Help!


Jan 2, 2016
I'm going to say this in order of time. Time span is less than a week. Started last Tuesday.

I download parsec software so I can use my computer when I'm at work.

Next day I install new motherboard, CPU, and RAM

On the same day as the new hardware my computer starts to stop audio playback for a few seconds while videos/games continue to play. Keyboard inputs stop working as well. When it starts working again after 3-10sec and when in a game, the last keyboard input is "stuck" untill pressed again.

Computer starts to freeze permanently untill a hard reset. Seems to happen when loading or playing a game or using after effects, but has happened when nothing was really going on. Temps are all normal and total wattage does not exceed what the PSU can do.

Would leave PC on all night with up to 10 chrome tabs open on basic alarm clock web pages. And maybe a YouTube video. A couple times i woke up to the PC hard frozen like I just said above.

I closed Parsec (did not uninstall) and the hard freezing stopped for the last few days, while PC was left on over night. Untill today when the video of a YouTube video keeps playing but with no audio. Keyboard lights up but inputs do not go. The YouTube video is buffering. Mouse works as normal. Vlc opens but does not play video or audio. I soft reset after 5min or more and it has happened 3 times so far. It seems to be the same event happening at the start, but instead of 3-10sec it doesn't stop. during one of these events I unplugged the keyboards two USBs and it just made it so the keyboard would not light up and still will not do inputs even though it was plugged in.

I am leaving Parsec open now to see if hard freezing comes back.

Still today and the computer crashed and restarted. No bsod just straight to black.

Thinking PSU is culprit, possibly ram, then motherboard, and then CPU.

OS: windows 10 64bit
CPU: AMD ryzen 7 1700x
RAM: 8GB DDR4 GeIL EVO Potenza 2x4GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AX370 Gaming 3 K17 chipset
GPU: MSI GTX 1050 ti 4GB
PSU: Xtream Gear 700W ATX power supply, XG-H700 (6-7 years old)

Previous hardware if it matters.
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3
CPU: AMD FX-8350
RAM: Corsair XMS3 DDR3 4x4GB

Also I have a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 gen1

Let me know if you want any other info, like event viewer screenshots, been looking in there. Nothing really useful I think.
Did you install windows fresh after hardware install?

Why can’t you use remote desktop or VNC for free remote software?
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If you replace that much hardware you need to reinstall windows fresh. That will destroy all your data so make sure everything is backed up first. Use the guide from Tom’s Guides to do a clean windows install
Okay so this would be related or not.

This happened just now.

I had a very basic game crash today and it may of had to do with memory. i can't remember exactly what i said but it was something about the application not allowed to access memory.

I start the game back up and water awhile I get a quick freeze then a BSOD and when my computer resets. I get an American megatrends message saying that I have a new CPU installed, fTPM corrupted or fTPM structure changed.
Press Y to reset fTPM.....
Press N to keep previous fTPM record and continue with boot.
Either one I hit either crashes it again or reset the computer and comes right back to the same screen.
And when I try to go to the motherboards bios. I can't because by the time I'm even able to put in an input the fTPM screen pops back up.

Here is a photo of it. Also every time it crashes I've been getting a different reason.

"IRQL not less or equal too"

"Bad pool header"


And the first crash that I can't remember. (possibility that ntfs.sys was the first, I'm I think it was the second, then bad pool, then irql"

I feel like it's the memory. But could be a driver issue.

Please help if you are able. this is a semi emergency, I have a project I have to get done for a client in a couple days.
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Update again. After looking around to bios and found nothing to do there i exited and windows booted normally. But I am still looking for help to this issue. Thank you. It's not a semi semi emergency because it could happen again.
Computer crashed shortly after me being able to get back on. The bsod was "IRQL not less or equal too" the fTPM screen came back but I figured out how to get into bios. But when I exited bios it crashed again BSOD said "critical process died". Got the fTPM screen again, went into BIOS again and was able to get back into windows this time instead of crashing, but I know it will crash again shorty I am sure.

I wonder if it is my Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 1st gen audio driver.

Also more info. I had a Windows update this morning.
Update. BSOD again. "process has locked pages"
This has to be a bad driver.
Also motherboard bios is up to date. it's gigabyth and the version is F25.
I'm able toget into windows by holding f8 (pretty sure it's safe boot, but nothing seems to be different)
Okay so I went and uninstalled realtek audio drivers and NVIDIA HD audio drivers Because I don't need them and I feel like that was the driver causing problems. The reltek one.

I reset my PC for it to take effect and i let it boot normally and it did. No fTPM screen. That is good. But even if it doesn't crash soon (I feel like it will) I'ma keep Checking here for your advice. Because I need to fix this.
Okay another couple crashes have happened. And these are bsods where it will not there untill I reset and when it reboots it has been going straight threw as normal.
Also the reltek audio and Nvidia audio drivers apparently automatically reinstall and the crash happens without them anyway.

Here are all the different BSODs I have gotten.

IRQL not less or equal
Critical process died
Process has locked pages
Pool coruption in file area
Memory managment
Page fault in nonpaged area

After the last one on the list, which happened on a boot. I reset again and this time I got the fTPM screen again

What I have gathered from googling all of these is that it has to do with either drivers or memory, and maybe gpu or maybe Mobo.

I'm going to bed. Thankfully I can still work on my project as of now and save constantly. Plus I keep backing it up on an external drive just in case I have to use a friends PC.

Sorry about all the posts but I want to put as much helpfull info as possible.
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I had some issues and they were possibly resolved on another post, but a couple days later I have more issues. So I posted them on my previous post, but no one has replied so I'm posting again since it could be a separate issue from the first. Here is a link to the first post with all the details about my problem

Let me know if you want me to post any more info like dump files or something. Thank you.