Can someone help me here.
Our ISP provider made our internet connection a dial up. Last time it automatically connects to internet without putting those username and password. So after they changed it only our server pc have internet. Others don't have. The technician from the isp provider keep telling that the switch(but he keeps telling us its a router dunno why) need to be configure but switches dont need to be configure right? Anyway, can someone help me troubleshoot this problem? Sorry i cant give you too much information coz im a noob. And sorry for very long post.
Our ISP provider made our internet connection a dial up. Last time it automatically connects to internet without putting those username and password. So after they changed it only our server pc have internet. Others don't have. The technician from the isp provider keep telling that the switch(but he keeps telling us its a router dunno why) need to be configure but switches dont need to be configure right? Anyway, can someone help me troubleshoot this problem? Sorry i cant give you too much information coz im a noob. And sorry for very long post.