I googled for it a few minutes ago, and I almost shat myself. The first link returned in google is newegg.com, but before you get excited, it is only because a guy is referring to it in a review of an nForce 4 board. I want this board as well. I was going to put a 1GB stick of RAM into my laptop, but this board may take priority. Unfortunately, I still would be about $100 short, and then I'd have a mobo with nothing to put on it. Grrr
I have not seen those pictures either, they are... beautiful. They make me want this thing quite badly. It would be sweet if the mobo was black and the plastics were red and gray, that's always a sweet color-scheme. Mmmm, it makes me hungry. I think I am going to go hard-boil some more squirrels 😀.
I'm glad that I don't have kids, because this is the point where I would take money from their college fund to build myself a PC. Muahahaha! *whisper* Don't let the women find this, they won't want me as badly methinks. *whisper*