NVIDIA nForce 590/680i For Conroe, Where Are They? HERE!

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I'm going to place my E6400 in a hole in the wall sealed with glass with a big sign that says:


^^^ LOL :lol:

Heh... I've got to do the same thing with my wallet.

But seriously, I for one have waited long enough on asus, intel, and nvidia, and I plan on ordering a P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe which really has everything that I'm after (except nforce5) and is available now. Even if Asus announced tomorrow that they've got a new C2D nForce 590 board in the works, it would still be "in the works", and you would have to wait x amount of weeks/months for it to be ready for production, produced, shipped to resellers, backordered..... Not to mention the PRICE markups, and the risks inherent from buying a revision 1 board. The P5N32-SLi SE Deluxe is likely the last of it's line (a good thing), successful, and has already been revised a few times, and most people with it seem very satisifed.
The summer is ending and I have to start school, so I just won't have time for this anymore like I used to.
True True

But I have good news, I JUST GOT MY E6600 😀😀😀😀😀

Now Ill wait for the 590, Ill get a fan with it, then get some memory the videocard and im ready to go :)
ive got everything paid for. im just waiting for these boards to come out.
what are the risks of buying a "revision 1" board?

Also with the P5N32 SE do u need to flash teh BIOS for a conroe setup?
I don't fully understand this. well not at all. Can some1 please explain?
(a friend of mine bought a P5W DH with his X6800 and needed an older pentium to flash the BIOS or somethin?? i have no idea what this is)

What I'm saying is that with a new line of boards, you don't really have other people's experience, reports, knowledge, etc.... to base your purchasing decision on. I guess this applies to a lot of other things than mobos (think NVidia FX (5000) GPU series, or Ford Pinto even)

With the flashing q, with the P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe, I'd say probably not.
Even if it had a BIOS issue, since all Conroe boards support all other LGA775 processors, you could just go to your local store and pick up the cheapest cheapo Celeron or Pentium 4 and flash the bios and return the processor the same day.
Guys the DFI version of the nforce 590 sli intel edition wont be released till late september. This is the reply to an email sent to dfi's sales today.

(on/abt end of Sept.

Best regards,

Greta Kuo
Sales Manager
Tel: 886-2-26942986 ext. 659
Fax: 886-2-26943221
MSN: greta@dfi.com.tw
SKYPE: gretakuo1964

ent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:35 PM
To: Sales
Subject: nfoce 590 sli intel edition

Hi, to whoever is reading this can you please tell me when will the nforce 590 sli intel edition be released ?)
The wierd thing about that is that it is in *reverse* order of how it happened with the 570.

"It's happening in reverse.. The mask is being formed while the body is still a plus, that is a sign of his resistance..." 😛 --lol I felt obligated to through an obsure quote in there... kudos if you know from where it's from.

For the 570, tigerdirect had it for sale first before it was availible on asus's site... It seems like asus is leading the nforce 500 pack here, so the fact that DFI isn't releasing to much later I don't think is an indicator....

But the real question for us detectives here, is what does that all mean? 😛

I'm willing to bet the hardware is finished... Didn't Dell say that it was a Bios problem delaying the XPS 700 series? If that is the case, if asus gets a bios that works well enough, do you think they will release the board in atleast short order? They seem very good customer service wise about sending out replacement bios chips and having downloadable bios updates... I think the fact that the 570 is already being sold by them says something... and now the website being updated...

If I were to guess... I'm going to say there will be a asus version by friday...but that is a total and udder guess... so it means almost nothing...
I found that the 30 of july and it said 1 of august instead of mid-end. They are lying to us. I even posted that at page 1.

I hope we get it soon god dammit
This is my firts post on this forum, but I've been reading for some time.
I pre-ordered my Intel Core 2 Extreme at the end of June and it has been sat waiting to be placed on a motherborad sine 14th July !!!!

This is merely a guess and is not based on any fact, but I reckon that Nvidia will release the Nforce 590 SLI around the same time that they release the new G80 (8800GTX). It would make sense for them to do this, as they probably know that we are all waiting for the Nforce 590 SLI to be released before we build our systems and they would obviously want to sell as many G80's as possible. If they release the Nforce 590 SLI befiore the G80, who would wait 'til the new GPU's are out before they build thier PC !?

I've read on the old "World-Wide-Web" that the G80 is expected to be released around October.

As I've said non of the above is based on fact and is mere speculation.

Kind regards

I agree with that in most respects. They do know surely that supply is low and there is still plenty of early adopters to make money off of in the next couple months while we wait for intel to ramp production. I for one am fighting the urge with all my willpower to build now and if I can just stay strong and deal with my current system a little longer I'll buy the 590 when it does hit in quantity. This will probably also have the added effect of giving me slightly lower prices on my e6600 at that time and maybe I won't have to pay nearly $300 bucks for a board either lol.

It would be nice also as currently I keep eyeballing 7950s and such wanting more gaming power but if I wait for the boards etc maybe I can just pop in a new generation card as well :) win win for me. Argh the pain of waiting....must..be..strong 😉
Sure that can be true but guess what not everybody is here to wait and wait. Most people will get tire and get the P965 and 975x

Now, I dont have enough saves to get a new mobo AND a G80 because of that Im not interest it on getting a high end videocard.
Not significantly because nForce 4 chipsets (including the P5N32-SLI SE) are high-end motherboard for the moment. And they will still be high-end for a good time. They might have a low in price but not much.
Hi all, i am planning to buy a Conroe system so i want to know what advantages will have the nforce 590 over the nforce 4 (ASUS P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe).

Thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english :lol: .
It would be nice also as currently I keep eyeballing 7950s and such wanting more gaming power but if I wait for the boards etc maybe I can just pop in a new generation card as well :) win win for me. Argh the pain of waiting....must..be..strong 😉

You know, Evga makes Geforce 7950GX2s, and they have the Step-Up program, where, if within 90 days of your purchase from them you'd like to upgrade your video card, you can just pay the difference between the amount you originally paid for yours and the amount of the new one. So, let's say you bought the 7950 like I did a week ago. Now let's say I enjoy the amazing graphics it gives me (providing I ever get my core 2 extreme system running, since I'm waiting for my new BIOS chip for my Asus P5W-DH, the 0401 BIOS won't POST with the Core 2s) for the time being, and the new G80s come out in October. Well, that's within 90 days, so I'll just send in my 7950 and pay them the difference. Yes, I'm counting on them to release them within 90 days, but it's still a pretty sweet deal for me. Now nVidia, get to work! haha
Lol, I called it!!! I said friday a few days ago. I am psychic you know? :)

If it's on their site, that would seem to tell me it's shipping today. So probably will see it on the e-tailers around next wednesday. Maybe you'd even see it for preorder on monday.

Again, I'm just trying to predict the future...so with a grain of salt :)

Seems to be authentic. FTP over to ftp.asus.com.tw and have a look in /pub/ASUS/mb/socket775/P5N32-SLI Premium

There is a BIOS but no manual (at least none today).

Reading the description on that page, what do you all make of that "8-Phase Power Design" feature? Does that sound like Peltier cooling to you?
8-Phase sounds like a standard for component arangement and component power design... Sort of like how ATX is the board format layout standard.

I bet it would be good for water cooling however. The more proactive the layout, the better the cooling. I noticed the layout in the picture seems a great deal more ordered than usual...
Wait a sec... why does the webpage begins with zeus? where is this info coming from? why isnt it available from the Global site and N america site? Nobody on eBay has them either.

Whats going on
Oh Yeah I forgot, to the guy who said only 500mhz of FSB for overclocking... guess what, is 600mhz 😉


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