No, I'm not dead! I've just had some issues with my harddrive and getting all my software and drivers up to date. Although I still need 3DMark06.. Finally though, I managed to OC my e6600 from 2.4ghz to 3.42 where I stopped because it was getting late. I'm going to try upping the fsb some more and try and get 3.6ghz+. Getting the 3.42 was very easy once I figured out what to do. I left the multiplier at 9x (after trying 6x and 8x) and upped the voltages to "safe maximums" by nvidia standards. I think I was using 380 fsb. At 6x, the highest fsb I could get was 415. So if I'm able to reach the same fsb maximum, that would mean 3.735ghz! 8O I haven't figured out much on OCing the ram yet, so I upped the mhz to 900 (898.2 in actuality) and it ran no problems. So I don't know.. I guess I could keep trying that out and see if I can get 1000mhz or higher. I also went ahead and put in the other 8800gts I had. So I'm pretty excited to see what score I can get now. Otherwise, the comp is running fine and I also went ahead and replaced all the case fans with aerocool fans (the 120mm with over 89 cfm). I even cut a hole in my side panel to place one there and blow cool air on the video cards. My next project is cutting a blowhole in the case and I also got the idea of putting window tint on the side panel. I think it'll look cool and go well with my black case.
As an end note, and if you read anything, read this: DO NOT USE NTUNE OR THE NMONITOR!!!! They don't display correct settings and temps. My ntune would say my comp is at 2.6ghz and the monitor would say something like 2.9ghz. I also left ntune to OC my system over night and the dumb thing corrupted XP somehow, so I had to take my drive to work and reformat and partition the whole thing. So, just use BIOS and save yourself the headache.