well i have a trouble with my sound card and that f(§!king onboard sound (i NEVER liked it and the reason why came true: i have indeed a conflict, and therefore i call for any kind of help that could be available...
i have the asus p4t 533 c motherboard with only onboard sound on it, and a soundblaster live platinum 5.1 soundcard.
After having disabled the onboard sound (with a jumper setting) and after having disabled the onboard sound in the BIOS as well my sound card refuses still operation...
now i suspect two things:
1) it might be that i forgot something, but i re-chekced everything a whole day long, and for sure everything was disabled (on hardware scale as well as in the bios) changed the soundcard from slot, everything that might be the cause on "plug and pray" scale, but it doesn't help.
2) sometimes when i shut windows down, there was a tiny flicker of sound from the shut down sound, so it could be an irq issue that's not fairly distributed by winBLOWS (win2k is my OS) so could it be an OS issue? i don't know, i went deep into it and i didn't found the answer...
i also add here that i even went to download the latest drivers available.
now by misery i plugged out the soundblaster and use the onboard audio (which is amazingly not that bad, even quite good, i have to admit) and everything works fine, but i want my little card to work fine, i don't like to throw 250€ on the dump...
so if anyone can figure it out or give some advice, it might be of a great help...
<font color=purple><i> Enosi and I.... </i></font color=purple>
i fortgot to add an important detail: when powered up the first time, the onboard was disabled and therefore not found nor detected by windows, so i presume the disable was correctly done, so there weren't any onboard drivers installed, ( the support CD didn't show the link of the installation of the AC 97 drivers when the jumper and bios setting is set to disabled)
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by aidanoridania on 01/09/03 06:00 PM.</EM></FONT></P>