smeezekitty :
Mousemonkey :
BDCool1983 :
Well nvidia has to sell to someone. It's not like NVIDIA got the xbox or ps4 or even the wii contracts. I don't know who origin are myself. The article or them sounds like my boss just being childish. Boo hoo origin you nobody company. Good luck with nvidia given 99% of games will be AMD optimised shortly due to the three top consoles being all AMD based you idiots
But didn't AMD say that unlike their competitors they would always play fair and stick to open standards? Granted Mantle is propriety at the moment and it remains to be seen how that turns out but if AMD's word is to be worth anything then any and all games should be optimised for both camps, surely?
Even if AMD didn't pay the devs, if the consoles use AMD hardware then the games will be tuned for that. I don't think that is unfair but rather a natural consequence..
bf4 is supposedly tuned for AMD hardware, yet it doesn't run better on it, it does bring their cpu's up to par though. don't expect it will run better on amd hardware until this mantle thing comes out, if AMD get it working properly.