Question PC wont boot up after installing new GPU


Feb 1, 2020
I just bought a GTX 1650 for my PC, I unplugged the old one and plugged in the new one, I boot up the computer and it just stays on the HP booting screen, and then every 20 seconds or so the computer beeps once. Once it beeps two times the screen cuts to black, beeps, then cuts back to the HP booting screen. I uninstalled the previous graphics drivers, I tried removing the cmos battery, and switching my ram. When I plug the old GPU in everything is fine. Im thinking this is probably a problem with the bios or my motherboard, any fixes?
I use Intel i5-2400 3.10 Ghz
8GB of RAM
My old GPU is Radeon R7 200 Series
Foxconn 2abf motherboard
Losing my mind over this, please help.
it just stays on the HP booting screen
Is this an HP prebuilt system?

How old is the PSU in your build.

I just bought a GTX 1650 for my PC
Was the GPU purchased used or brand new?
No it's not prebuilt, and the GPU was used. If youre asking me how long I've had the PSU, I had it for about a year and a half
Foxconn 2abf BIOS has a whitelist that only allows HP-branded GPUs that were options at the time to work.

I see there are requests for modified BIOSes at the usual bios modding sites to allow that motherboard to use any newer GPU.
So is there anything I can do except for replacing my motherboard?
I use a foxconn 2abf my bios version is 7.15 (2/14/2012) I recently bought a new graphics card (GTX 1650) However my PC wont get out of the HP booting screen and it beeps once. I've heard that apparently my motherboard has a whitelist on some GPU's, how can I fix this ?
It's not a prebuilt PC, I just have an HP case and an HP PSU
The motherboard can only be found in HP prebuilts, so how are you not in possession of a prebuilt?

No it's not prebuilt, and the GPU was used. If youre asking me how long I've had the PSU, I had it for about a year and a half
GPU's used.

I use a foxconn 2abf my bios version is 7.15 (2/14/2012) I recently bought a new graphics card (GTX 1650) However my PC wont get out of the HP booting screen and it beeps once. I've heard that apparently my motherboard has a whitelist on some GPU's, how can I fix this ?
GPU's new. Which is it?
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