Jul 11, 2021
Hello.. New here!! Lovely community. I just bought a PNY SSD 1TB and its only showing 223GB of usable space.. I have went to disk management and tried to look for unallocated space and its just not there... Did I miss anything? Ive searched all over the net looking for the answered and have tried a few things.. Please help!:)
Hello.. New here!! Lovely community. I just bought a PNY SSD 1TB and its only showing 223GB of usable space.. I have went to disk management and tried to look for unallocated space and its just not there... Did I miss anything? Ive searched all over the net looking for the answered and have tried a few things.. Please help!:)
Bought from where?
Have you done anything except just connect it?
Please show us a screencap of the Disk Management window.
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Reactions: wreckohio
nothing wrong with buying from walmart. :)

folks buy from some real sketchy online chops where the fakes can happen. but i'd expect a new drive from walmart to be trustworthy.

crystaldiskinfo should help shed some light on things.
Well like I said it was on clearance.. not sure why. I am getting ready to try Crystal disk now I will screenshot. Thanks