Question Problems connecting Acer GN264HL to Nvidia Rtx 2070

May 21, 2019
Hi to everyone,

It's my first time posting, so nice to meet you :)

Recently I bought a new GPU: Nvidia Rtx 2070. I would like to connect it to my current monitor and get 144Mhz. The problem is that I couldn't choose that option on my config, it was limited to 60Mhz. Porblem? Nvidia 2070 doesn't have DVI port, just HDMI, DP and an USB type C. My monitor, Acer GN246HL only have VGA, DVI and HDMI.

Looking for info I saw that this monitor allow HDMI up to 1.3 (or 1.4, not sure) but this HDMI doesn't support 144mhz. On the other hand, I read that an DP>DVI adapter active will do the work, so I bought one. My concern is that after a trying different DVI cables (2 of them Dual link and one single Link) I can't use the monitor...It's telling me about to use the cable that came with the of these 3 must be (I don't have anymore DVI cables..) and they don't work at all...the screen is flickering with a weird resolution set and this pop window on the screen (when I can see the screen) telling me that I need to use original DVI monitor's cable.

I don't want to buy a new monitor because this one is still ok....It's possible any cable config to make this setup work? I'll appreciate any help about
