Protein Folding - Team 40051 - HYN Folding


Jun 8, 2001
Folding@Home is a LARGE GRID COMPUTING effort. Presently over 1,000,000 computers and over 400,000 people have contributed. Present speed is approximately 200 Teraflops.
Completely nonprofit and totally for humanities benefit. Join the team, it's kind of fun. :-D.

__Us-><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Them-><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Seems other people/sites can claim they have great community spirit.

"priyajeet" started a team to do protein folding for humanities benefit and to have this community recognized. We're team 40051 at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> and we could use a little of your help.

Previous Threads:<A HREF="" target="_new"> _1_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _2_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _3_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _4_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> Original </A>

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 46 of us and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

I'm also giving away GMail just send me a private message after completing 100 points.


The loving are the daring!
<b>Project Rank: 528 </b> (we were 537 Last Reported).
We are doing alright. 528 out of about 35,000 is pretty respectable. The latest joiners have pitched in to add to our average. A bunch of folds with big points keep arriving and our average is slowly climbing. Getting to be around 4,000/day. Our total points approach 200,000. Not much compared to the leaders, who do 200,000 in a day, but still very commendable.

<b>Members: changed +1, Total: 47</b> Welcome "coolsquirtle". He brings us a generous 231 points as his first fold!!! <b> !!! Yippee ... Coolsquirtle !!!</b>

<b>Contest:</b> We have a few Gmail accounts to give away to new joiners if you contribute to the folding effort. Apparently these are being auctioned on EBAY now, .. what some people will do for a $1. Anyway, send me a private message after you reach 100 Points :smile:

<b>Off To The Races:</b>

"error_911", "carey" and "james" are in a small battle and are still jostling for postion.

Wow!!! Have you seens what's happening with all the new joiners? There are about six of them moving up to together. "Sitfire_x86","Rick", "vader1982","BeyRevRa","James2", "Daniel J Eliades", and "Coolsquirtle" have all gotten off to a good start. The elbows are at work. We're going to have to wait awhile for this pack to seperate out.

Nothing New


The "hammclan" has isn't radio'ing anybody telling them we tromped on them. "Martial Arts Planet" just got side kicked out of the way."Team Kevin" sadly sounds like one guy so we couldn't expect more and finally there must have been to much partying and other festive events last night because "Nerd Fest" has been hung over; hehe.

Interesting Team names ahead of us, check it out!
<A HREF="" target="_new">Linky!</A>

And some guys catching up:
<A HREF="" target="_new">Dalhousie</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">SlashCom</A>

We need some of you older folders to get back into it if we're even going to stay with this pack of three.

Everyone should feel free to pat themselves on the back for the <b>great job</b> we've been doing.

Happy New Year To All .. And Happy Folding!!!

The loving are the daring!
I checked the F@H homepage on this question but couldn't find anything and maybe you guys know:
I might be able to throw in a little more CPU power. However, these CPUs are in PC's which use Microsofts Managed Workplace. Every user has its own desktop and start menu, which is loaded from the server at logon.
I have an admin account, if I install F@H from that account it will load with the logon from everyone who uses the PC. The question is: Will F@H continue with the same WU with every user, or will it download a new WU at logon for each user. Haven't been able to test this (because of X-mas and I'd rather figure it out with you guys before trying myself). If this is true, is there any way to avoid it?
And, also an important question: Is it possible to run F@H when no one has logged into, so when it's at the "push ctrl-alt-del to login screen"?
If I can work this all out I might be able to throw in quite some power.
Hi Tweebel,

Five things:

1) Get permission to run the thing on machines at the workplace. Computer generate heat and use power and wear out, i.e. costs $$$. You need permission!!! Someone got fired for setting up SETI on workplace machines. This project is a worthwhile thing but it's not worth losing your job over.

2) Look in the FAQ's, Maybe running it as a screen saver? Otherwise it could slow down someone trying to work and that is not a good thing.
We encourage having the screen saver running when nobody is logged in in order to get the most useful running time possible. In order to do this you must edit the Windows registry. You can do this by using the program regedit (or also regedt32 in Windows 2000), usually located in the C:\WINDOWS folder. If it is not there, you can find it by using the "Find" utility in the Start menu. It might be necessary to have administrator privileges to do this. If you don't have administrator privileges, try to convince somebody that does to do this :)
3-Some people might be worried about security concerns but that's a bit bogus IMO.

4- IBM was supposed to get behind these efforts to help legitimize them in the workplace. Haven't heard anything about this since the announcement.<A HREF="" target="_new"> World Community Grid</A>

5- I get occasional "crashes" with the applicaton. Program may have to be occasionaly restarted. If it needs administration that is overhead

The loving are the daring!
If it's not too many units, it may be less labour intensive, to run the screensaver version, on each unit, independantly. If this is a large server, dont even think about it without permission from the head of CR.
Thanks a lot for the reply!

I can't be fired, that's the nice thing about this. I will probably get permission (not that I need it but I will ask) because the owners don't pay the electricity bill...
I've set it up on one PC as a screensaver, but when I logged in as a different user it seemed to download a new WU but I know it seems to download a new WU if had has not yet completed one frame. If won't conflict with what anyone is doing, people use these pc's for mailing, chatting, Word, Excel and other Office stuff.
I am the only one there who knows anything (at all) about pc's and security.

Nothing on 4 and 5. I have admin privileges on some clients, not on all, but I might be able to fix this. If I get a huge output increase in january you'll know it worked.
The ideal situation is to have the F@H core running 24/7 whether someone is logged in or not, whether the user is using email or word or whatever. Currently I don't know of a way to do this, although I am investigating the proper use of the -service flag. Accoding to the FAQ this should prevent the FAHconsole from exiting when a user logs out. I haven't had the opportunity to test this yet though.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My PCs</A> 😎
*Deep Bow*

Thank You, Thank you. Folded a couple beauties overnight.

XP2800+, Abit NF7, 1GB Dual-Channel DDR333, ATI R9800PRO 128MB, TT PurePower 420W, LG DVD+-R/RW
How long my mobo is going to survive with 24/7 operation? It' already 16+ months. It has been running 24/7 since last 3 months, before it used to run 8-16 hours/day. My system temp is 40C, CPU 50C.

<font color=orange><b><A HREF="" target="_new">Rediscover the web</A></b></font color=orange>
The life expectancy of most mobos is 150% of thier warranty. In your case, you should be okay for another 20 months. Abit has been really careful about the quality of the capacitors they use lately, but they will probably be the first thing to go. It does help to keep dust levels down, with regular cleanings. BTW, have you noticed that the sticky here has taken more than 18000 hits? Great job.
Keep 1 eye over your shoulder. That's "me" coming up from behind. <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>. Only 1480 days to go.
It's not just sparky, <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>. There are 3 of us closing on you.

Returned some nice work units today while I was at work so I have pushed sparky back to 16 days. But I think I am just delaying the inevitable.
How many systems you got it running on endyen?
4 basicly. if the 650 duron counts (1 WU so far), but yesterday I did an install on 2 more. They are only on a couple of hours a day though, so they will be about on par with the duron.
One of the new ones is an xp 2500+, while the other is an xp 2400+. They are in the kid's rooms, so my wife has them under very strict control. It's running on all my home network, plus the comp @ work.
Well, there was 1 yr warranty for my ABIT NF7, I'm quickly reaching the 150% of my warranty limit. Maybe you're right about the capcitors; many capacitors were gone when my MSI K7N420 Pro died after very good 15 months of service. So far, the capacitors on my NF7 look good from outside.

And for the CPU sticky, AMD and Intel has made my work easy, very few new processors, not much price cuts, and fewer need for updates.

<font color=orange><b><A HREF="" target="_new">Rediscover the web</A></b></font color=orange>
The standard warranty on the Abit boards is 2 years, with most being fine for 3. You should be fine for a while yet. I would love for you to have one of the new NF8 boards, but I'm guessing the cost for chip and board would be crazy over your way.
<b>Project Rank: 505 </b> (we were 528 Last Reported).
We are doing just fine. By the looks of things well be under 500 by tomorrow. Our average is around 4,000/day to 5000/day; we'll see where we go now that the holiday seaon is winding down. Our total points are over 206,000. Not much compared to the leaders, who do 200,000 in a day, but still very commendable.

<b>Members: changed +0, Total: 47</b> No new members

<b>Contest:</b> We have a few Gmail accounts to give away to new joiners if you contribute to the folding effort. Apparently these are being auctioned on EBAY now, .. what some people will do for a $1. Anyway, send me a private message after you reach 100 Points :smile:

<b>Off To The Races:</b>

"error_911" and "carey" are in a small battle and are still jostling for postion.

Wow!!! Have you seens what's happening with all the new joiners? There are about six of them moving up to together. "Spitfire_x86","vader1982","BeyRevRa"," and "Coolsquirtle" seem to be forming a chase team. Teamwork.. that's were its at! <b> Go guys go!</b>.

<b>Kudos</b> Seems a bunch of people have hit milestones

Xnilf................10,000 .. nice work over the holidays
Sparky853........5,000 .. racing to pass
Folken..............5,000 ..nice job.. we've been counting on you
tmg4................1,000 - keep them rolling in
vader1982.......1,000 - Darth, watch out for the dark side
fishmahn..........1,000 - keep swimming and stay away from the sharks
mozzartusm....1,000 - keep the music playing


"currywurst" sound like a group of German fellows with exotic taste. Guess the food didn't agree with them cause they seem to be sitting on the pot instead of folding. I guess "Ascos" runs in the same way. "Team Crusher" isn't crushing us, maybe they crush rocks or something. "IceBox Robotics" got our cold shoulder..bump! hehe! :lol: ..
<b> !!!! We're Good !!! </b>

Interesting Team names ahead of us, check it out!
<A HREF="" target="_new">Linky!</A>

And some that were catching up are having a rough time now that we gotten some help:
<A HREF="" target="_new">Dalhousie</A> <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <A HREF="" target="_new">SlashCom</A>

We need some of you older folders to get back into it if we're going to keep moving ahead at a nice pace.

Everyone should feel free to pat themselves on the back for the <b>great job</b> we've been doing.

Happy New Year To All .. And Happy Folding!!!

The loving are the daring!
Here we get 1 yr warranty for almost everything, retail CPU warranties are 1 year, Generic RAM/winmodem/LAN Cards also have 1 year warranty!! But we get no warranty for speakers, same for generic speakers and Creative, Altec Lansing and other name brand speakers.

I got my 2400+ only 6 months ago. I have to keep it at least 18 months more, so even if my mobo dies, then I'm gonna get another nForce2 board. ABIT NF8 series boards aren't available here yet, only nForce3 250 based board I've seen is ASUS K8N-E, rest of all A64 boards here are VIA based.

<font color=orange><b><A HREF="" target="_new">Rediscover the web</A></b></font color=orange>
How many systems are you running F@H on? I have 8 going right now and I'm only pulling an average of ~400 points per day. I seem to be getting lots of small WUs.

XP2800+, Abit NF7, 1GB Dual-Channel DDR333, ATI R9800PRO 128MB, TT PurePower 420W, LG DVD+-R/RW
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
is the number he has running 😀 for our team

The loving are the daring!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Flinx on 01/04/05 07:26 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
<b>Project Rank: 498 </b> (we were 505 Last Reported).
We've reach a milestone! We're the upper 500 folding teams.

<b>Everyone Take A Bow</b>
Rank_ Name ____ Contributed
The loving are the daring!