
Aug 24, 2017
I've got a Zowie XL2411P monitor (144hz max) & i play cs on 1024x768 @ 120 hz because that's the max the GPU can handle with HDMI, I can't play 1280x960 @ 120 hz, only 75hz, so if I use DVI would I be able to?

Also you can create 1280x960 custom res @ 120hz but it doesn't let you use it, even after testing and creating it, it just switches back. any help?
You need to match the maximum settings on both monitor and GPU.
Consult the specifications and use the required port to achieve this, even if it involves purchase of a new type cable.
You need to match the maximum settings on both monitor and GPU.
Consult the specifications and use the required port to achieve this, even if it involves purchase of a new type cable.
It really depends on the monitor and graphics card which standards they support and which resolution they have on these standards.

Its not a question on what is the best, its a question of what is the best we can get out what we have.
That is a somewhat different issue.
Add to this - that both involved components may not support each others standards on maximum settings, then we will have to tune in our selection to match the best possible connection between the 2.

Anyone can google whats the best video standard at present, but thats not the issue here.