Replying to invites?

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Xocyll <> wrote in

> Marc Bissonnette <> looked up from reading the
> entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs
> say:
>>Robotech_Master <> wrote in
>>> On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:50:54 GMT, Bradd W. Szonye
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I use LFT to mean "I want a team ASAP" and /hide to mean "I'm
>>>> soloing or testing binds, leave me alone." I use the default
>>>> setting to mean, "I wouldn't mind a team-up, but I don't want to
>>>> advertise."
>>> There are also those people who use LFT to mean "I might want to
>>> team but want to be asked first" and will then harangue you for
>>> "blind-inviting" them if you invite them without a tell first.
>>> But the majority of people seem to use LFT to indicate "looking for
>>> team without asking first" and non-LFT to indicate "may or may not
>>> be amenable to teaming, but certainly not if you don't ask me
>>> first."
>>> (And that's what gets me about those LFT = blind invite people.
>>> What are we supposed to be, psychic? Supposed to read their minds
>>> that _their_ LFT doesn't mean the same thing as everybody else's?
>>> Ah well, at least that's getting fixed with I4, they can put an "ask
>>> before inviting" in their comment field or something.)
>>> The only times to ask before inviting someone who is clearly LFT
>>> are, in my view, if you're about to commit to a Task Force that such
>>> a person might not have time for, or if you're all the way across
>>> the city from the invitee and need to know if he's up for the travel
>>> time first. If someone *isn't* LFT, then you should *always* ask
>>> first. It's just common courtesy (which is, sadly, not so common at
>>> all these days).
>>Agreed. I usually leave my LFT off unless specifically looking for a
>>team, but I'm certainly not above joining one if asked. Last night I
>>was soloing in some door missions and received a tell asking if I was
>>interested in doing some 30-31 missions when I was done. Since I was
>>close to levelling (~60K or so) I thought it would be a great idea and
>>joined the team after I finished the mission.
>>Unfortunately, the team ended up consisting of 4 ~30's and 4 < 15's,
>>which made me leave (I've *rarely* seen a 50/50 SK team do well in
>>++30 missions, but that's another thread)
> Depending on the makeup of the team and the skill of the player it
> could work.
> I was actually part of a similar teamup - me, at that point level 6,
> with 1 real attack, the person i'd been chatting with, who was
> something like 32, and the person whose mission it was who was 34 and
> sk'd me.
> For all my limitations I was able to contribute rather well, since the
> middle person was a fire/rad controller and buffed/healed me.
> Of course when she died and later on when she had to leave, that left
> me somewhat weaker and contributing less.
> When CoT earth mages are hitting you, lack of healing is really bad.
> It was rather surprising to me that someone as limited as my level 6
> COULD actually contribute rather well. Not as good as a higher level
> obviously, but I wasn't leeching.

Sure, but you're an experienced player. If I *know* the lowbie I'm
SK'ing with, then no problem; Getting on a pickup team where it's half
and half lowbies with higher levels usually involves a lot of debt and
waiting around for hospital trips or resurrect to recharge :) :)

Marc Bissonnette
CGI / Database / Web Management Tools:
Looking for a new ISP?


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Bradd wrote:
>> See, you implicitly recognize that LFT is an advertisement. However,
>> you fail to recognize that "no advertisement" is not synonymous with
>> "do not disturb." That's what /hide is for.

Xocyll wrote:
> You can parrot this all you like and it will never make it true.

Are you claiming that LFT is not an advertisement? Are you claiming that
/hide does not mean "do not disturb"? Are you claiming that "not
actively advertising" is synonymous with "do not disturb"? If not, then
what I wrote is true.

> It's not a 3 way, it's a binary solution, you are or you aren't; Lft
> on or off.

Fine, be delusional about it then.
Bradd W. Szonye


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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:16:59 GMT, Zoiks! <> wrote:

>Yeah...because sending a team invite is just like punching someone...

Equivalently, yeah, it is. An unexpected team invite can lead to debt
very fast in a rough fight.

>Team invites can be annoying, but that's not the intent of the design,
>and generally it isn't the intent of the inviter.

Sorry, when the inviter continues to do so after knowing that it's a
source of annoyance to many people, it becomes part of his intent.

Dark Tyger

Stop the madness! (Marvel Vs Cryptic Studios petition)

Hey, everyone else is doing it. Free iPod:


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Bradd wrote:
>> I strongly disagree. The LFT button /advertises/ for a team. Not
>> everyone who's up for a team wants to actively advertise the fact; I
>> certainly don't.

Xocyll wrote:
> This is where you've gone wacky.
> Setting the LFT flag doesn't 'advertise/ anything.

WTF? While it's not intrusive advertising like, say, telemarketing, it's
still a freakin' billboard on the search page.
Bradd W. Szonye


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On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:59:42 GMT, Bradd W. Szonye <>

> Xocyll wrote:
>> If they don't have LFT on, then they are making it obvious they aren't
>> looking for a team.
> Repeating this does not make it true.

The fact that there is no "NotLFT" button makes it true, however.

> See, you implicitly recognize that LFT is an advertisement. However, you
> fail to recognize that "no advertisement" is not synonymous with "do not
> disturb." That's what /hide is for.

/hide means "do not disturb". There is currently no way to announce "do
not invite". If you want your supergroup to know that you're online and
where you are, you don't necessarily want to be spammed by team invites.
The two are not the same.

If you are actively looking for a team, you don't just press LFT, you
start inviting people or broadcast a message with your level and archetype
(there is actually an emote for this). LFT is for passively looking for a
team. Not looking for team means you don't want pickup teams. /hide means
you don't want to be approached even by your friends and supergroup.

This interpretation has the benefit that it allows for each situation to
mean something. The idea that non-LFT means passively looking for team, on
the other hand, leaves LFT as a state that is not really necessary, since
everyone is LFT by default.

"When someone starts bragging about how much debt they have, it's not a
good sign." -G


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Magnus Itland <> wrote:
> If you are actively looking for a team, you don't just press LFT, you
> start inviting people or broadcast a message with your level and
> archetype (there is actually an emote for this). LFT is for passively
> looking for a team. Not looking for team means you don't want pickup
> teams. /hide means you don't want to be approached even by your
> friends and supergroup.
> This interpretation...

Is a mystery to most newbies and the terminally clueless. Yes, it CAN be
used in a sensible way. Mostly, it's not. I'm building another lowbie and
the amount of dipshittery in the lowest zones just drives me crazy.
Chitter-chattering in the Broadcast channel. Inviting and inviting and
inviting and inviting. Peckerwads who make an annoying, spamming, potty-
mouthed nuisance of themselves, get hammered on and /ignored, then come
back in another lowbie alt and pick on the people who ignored them.


The whole LFT/invite structure needs to be revamped so that you can set
various levels of looking/inviting/hiding. Most of the pieces are there,
and from what's been said, I4 is bringing some. Mostly,it should be a
nondistracting pop-out from one side of the screen that clears itself
after 15 seconds or so.

I have RorShok almost to 11 with only 2 defeats - one that stupid mistake
of jumping through a nest of purples, and one (against Vahz, of course)
where I had plenty of Respites but got puked on so fast I coundn't hit
the key. But that's all - a personal best by a long shot.

-= Victory Server =-
-= Shenanigunner: Level 38 Natural Tanker, Fire/SS, M =-
-= Sgt Glory B: Level 29 Tech Blaster, Electric/Energy, F =-
-= Mean Mr Mustard: Level 8 Science Scrapper, Dark/Regen, M =-
-= RorShok: Level 10 Natural Scrapper, MA/SR, M =-
-= Always looking for reliable teammates - look me up! =-
-= See you on HEROICA! - =-
-= The Keybind & Macro Guide is now available! =-


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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 19:12:12 -0700, Dark Tyger
<> wrote:

>On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:16:59 GMT, Zoiks! <> wrote:
>>Yeah...because sending a team invite is just like punching someone...
>Equivalently, yeah, it is. An unexpected team invite can lead to debt
>very fast in a rough fight.

Just found another such nastiness with blind invites: Playing my
Warshade, it's the first time I've made heavy use of TP to travel. A
confirm window out of the blue in the middle of the screen can easily
lead to a 300 ft swan dive into a pack of purples. (Khelds cannot take
the flight pool, so there's no safety net of Hover on the Warshade

Dark Tyger

Stop the madness! (Marvel Vs Cryptic Studios petition)

Hey, everyone else is doing it. Free iPod:


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Xocyll wrote:
>>> If they don't have LFT on, then they are making it obvious they
>>> aren't looking for a team.

Bradd wrote:
>> Repeating this does not make it true.

Magnus Itland wrote:
> The fact that there is no "NotLFT" button makes it true, however.

Not hardly. As I and other posters have noted repeatedly, many people
level LFT off even when they're willing to team up. You can claim all
you want that it should work differently, but in the end it's just not
how people use the feature.

>> See, you implicitly recognize that LFT is an advertisement. However,
>> you fail to recognize that "no advertisement" is not synonymous with
>> "do not disturb." That's what /hide is for.

> /hide means "do not disturb". There is currently no way to announce
> "do not invite". If you want your supergroup to know that you're
> online and where you are ....

Then you keep an eye on the supergroup window. Or you invite them to
your global friends list. Or you set up a teamspeak server for the SG to

The /hide command means "do not disturb, except for close friends." Quit
pretending that leaving LFT off means the same thing, because it clearly
isn't true in practice. While it would be nice if CoH had a better
mechanism for this, the current approach is hardly new. Social games
have worked about the same way going all the way back to MUDs: They
assume that you're there to /play with other people/ unless you
specifically state otherwise. The current usage of LFT-off matches that
Bradd W. Szonye


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Dark Tyger wrote...
> Ah, yes, I see you fall for the delusional bullshit that playing an
> MMORPG means you should be willing to team all the time... That, or
> you've run out of arguments and fallen back on the old strawmen.

Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
playing with others is the norm...

Sending a 'blind' invite is not rude. Like many things there are ways
it can be used that are rude, but that doesn't make it rude for all

I'll agree that the team invite window could be made much more
informative and less disrupting. We should have the option of
minimizing it and having it appear minimized with a non-obnoxious
visible cue when you receive an invite. It should list the level, AT,
and location of all current team members. And right clicking on the
window should bring up a menu with the 'chat' and 'ignore' functions for
the inviter.

I've gotten my share of annoyance from invites that turned out to be
worthless, regardless of whether I was lft or not. The window popping
up while I'm in a difficult fight, very low level characters inviting my
much higher level character to help with their missions, powerlevel
beggars, and more. But I still don't consider the general use of
'blind' invites rude, even though it is clunky and can be abused.



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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:22:37 GMT, Zoiks! <> wrote:

>Dark Tyger wrote...
>> Ah, yes, I see you fall for the delusional bullshit that playing an
>> MMORPG means you should be willing to team all the time... That, or
>> you've run out of arguments and fallen back on the old strawmen.
>Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
>playing with others is the norm...

Stop there, because this flaw breaks down your whole argument. It is
extremely ignorant to believe that not teaming means I'm not playing
with others. Solo or teamed, I'm playing with others. Solo not to the
same degree as teamed, but that doesn't mean it's not still playing
with others.

MMOs offer a gaming experience even to soloers that absolutely cannot
be duplicated by a single player game simply because of the other
players present.

I roleplay with my guild, I talk to other players, I help with heals,
buffs, and even jumping into fights when asked (because just assuming
they're in a situation they can't win no matter how bad it -looks- and
that they'd welcome someone taking part of their xp is rude). I am
-NOT- playing alone even when I'm soloing.

Dark Tyger

Stop the madness! (Marvel Vs Cryptic Studios petition)

Hey, everyone else is doing it. Free iPod:


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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 22:51:24 GMT, Bradd W. Szonye
<> wrote:

> The /hide command means "do not disturb, except for close friends."

Isn't it funny, then, that your close friends CAN'T SEE YOU when you
have it on?

> Quit pretending that leaving LFT off means the same thing, because
> it clearly isn't true in practice.

Lots of things that should be true, in theory, in a perfect world
(like, say, "nobody should fight wars with each other") aren't true in
practice. That doesn't mean we shouldn't work toward making them come
true in practice.

> While it would be nice if CoH had a better mechanism for this, the
> current approach is hardly new. Social games have worked about the
> same way going all the way back to MUDs: They assume that you're
> there to /play with other people/ unless you specifically state
> otherwise. The current usage of LFT-off matches that practice.

Then why should there even be an LFT function at all, if having it on
and having it off means the same thing?

Chris Meadows aka | Homepage:
Robotech_Master | | Earn a free iPod and a free Mac Mini!


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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:16:59 GMT, Zoiks! <> wrote:

> Yeah...because sending a team invite is just like punching someone...

As things currently work, it is capable of getting one killed if it
happens at the wrong moment. Maybe it doesn't *always* harm them,
but then, punching someone in the face doesn't *always* harm them
either. That's no reason to make either punching someone in the face
*or* blind invites okay.

> Team invites can be annoying, but that's not the intent of the
> design, and generally it isn't the intent of the inviter.

Maybe not the intent, but as things stand, that's how it now works.

> The interface could use a lot of improvement, but the idea that it
> should be made more troublesome to form a team because of people
> who would rather play solo in a MMORPG is nuts.

"Troublesome"? How is "/tell $target,Hi, I'm looking to do
<whatever>, would you like to join up?" "troublesome" by any
reasonable definition of the word? I suppose you could consider it
troublesome if you weren't a good typist, but even a bad typist can
hunt and peck long enough to set a macro.

Chris Meadows aka | Homepage:
Robotech_Master | | Earn a free iPod and a free Mac Mini!


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Bradd wrote:
>> The /hide command means "do not disturb, except for close friends."

Robotech_Master <> wrote:
> Isn't it funny, then, that your close friends CAN'T SEE YOU when you
> have it on?

Sure they can, if you set up your global list.

>> While it would be nice if CoH had a better mechanism for this, the
>> current approach is hardly new. Social games have worked about the
>> same way going all the way back to MUDs: They assume that you're
>> there to /play with other people/ unless you specifically state
>> otherwise. The current usage of LFT-off matches that practice.

> Then why should there even be an LFT function at all, if having it on
> and having it off means the same thing?

They don't mean the same thing, as I've already said.
Bradd W. Szonye


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Zoiks! <> wrote:
>> Yeah...because sending a team invite is just like punching someone...

Dark Tyger wrote:
> Equivalently, yeah, it is. An unexpected team invite can lead to debt
> very fast in a rough fight.

One moment while I get out the world's tiniest violin. An unexpected
household distraction can lead to debt too. So what? An invite is a
minor annoyance, a small distraction. If you can't cope with it, I
recommend Ritalin.

>> Team invites can be annoying, but that's not the intent of the design,
>> and generally it isn't the intent of the inviter.

> Sorry, when the inviter continues to do so after knowing that it's a
> source of annoyance to many people, it becomes part of his intent.

"Nerfing" the devices power set was a source of annoyance to many people
too. Here's a hint: You're overly sensitive.
Bradd W. Szonye


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Zoiks! <> wrote:
>> Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
>> playing with others is the norm...

Dark Tyger wrote:
> Stop there, because this flaw breaks down your whole argument ....

It's not a flaw.

> It is extremely ignorant to believe that not teaming means I'm not
> playing with others. Solo or teamed, I'm playing with others.

Yeah, right, and the wallflower at prom is "dancing" with others. You're
reaching farther and farther to prove a point that you cannot win.
Bradd W. Szonye


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On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 07:35:37 GMT, "Bradd W. Szonye"
<> wrote:

>Zoiks! <> wrote:
>>> Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
>>> playing with others is the norm...
>Dark Tyger wrote:
>> Stop there, because this flaw breaks down your whole argument ....
>It's not a flaw.

Yes, it is. It's the naively stupid delusion that if you're not on a
team you're playing alone. This can't be more wrong.

>> It is extremely ignorant to believe that not teaming means I'm not
>> playing with others. Solo or teamed, I'm playing with others.
>Yeah, right, and the wallflower at prom is "dancing" with others. You're
>reaching farther and farther to prove a point that you cannot win.

No, but the guy out on the dance floor without a partner is. Try using
a relevant comparison next time.

Dark Tyger

Stop the madness! (Marvel Vs Cryptic Studios petition)

Hey, everyone else is doing it. Free iPod:


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Marc Bissonnette <> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs

>Xocyll <> wrote in
>> Marc Bissonnette <> looked up from reading the
>> entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs
>> say:
>>>Robotech_Master <> wrote in
>>>> On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:50:54 GMT, Bradd W. Szonye
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I use LFT to mean "I want a team ASAP" and /hide to mean "I'm
>>>>> soloing or testing binds, leave me alone." I use the default
>>>>> setting to mean, "I wouldn't mind a team-up, but I don't want to
>>>>> advertise."
>>>> There are also those people who use LFT to mean "I might want to
>>>> team but want to be asked first" and will then harangue you for
>>>> "blind-inviting" them if you invite them without a tell first.
>>>> But the majority of people seem to use LFT to indicate "looking for
>>>> team without asking first" and non-LFT to indicate "may or may not
>>>> be amenable to teaming, but certainly not if you don't ask me
>>>> first."
>>>> (And that's what gets me about those LFT = blind invite people.
>>>> What are we supposed to be, psychic? Supposed to read their minds
>>>> that _their_ LFT doesn't mean the same thing as everybody else's?
>>>> Ah well, at least that's getting fixed with I4, they can put an "ask
>>>> before inviting" in their comment field or something.)
>>>> The only times to ask before inviting someone who is clearly LFT
>>>> are, in my view, if you're about to commit to a Task Force that such
>>>> a person might not have time for, or if you're all the way across
>>>> the city from the invitee and need to know if he's up for the travel
>>>> time first. If someone *isn't* LFT, then you should *always* ask
>>>> first. It's just common courtesy (which is, sadly, not so common at
>>>> all these days).
>>>Agreed. I usually leave my LFT off unless specifically looking for a
>>>team, but I'm certainly not above joining one if asked. Last night I
>>>was soloing in some door missions and received a tell asking if I was
>>>interested in doing some 30-31 missions when I was done. Since I was
>>>close to levelling (~60K or so) I thought it would be a great idea and
>>>joined the team after I finished the mission.
>>>Unfortunately, the team ended up consisting of 4 ~30's and 4 < 15's,
>>>which made me leave (I've *rarely* seen a 50/50 SK team do well in
>>>++30 missions, but that's another thread)
>> Depending on the makeup of the team and the skill of the player it
>> could work.
>> I was actually part of a similar teamup - me, at that point level 6,
>> with 1 real attack, the person i'd been chatting with, who was
>> something like 32, and the person whose mission it was who was 34 and
>> sk'd me.
>> For all my limitations I was able to contribute rather well, since the
>> middle person was a fire/rad controller and buffed/healed me.
>> Of course when she died and later on when she had to leave, that left
>> me somewhat weaker and contributing less.
>> When CoT earth mages are hitting you, lack of healing is really bad.
>> It was rather surprising to me that someone as limited as my level 6
>> COULD actually contribute rather well. Not as good as a higher level
>> obviously, but I wasn't leeching.
>Sure, but you're an experienced player. If I *know* the lowbie I'm
>SK'ing with, then no problem; Getting on a pickup team where it's half
>and half lowbies with higher levels usually involves a lot of debt and
>waiting around for hospital trips or resurrect to recharge :) :)

Well yeah I guess part of it was experience (knowing what's not worth
slotting early on) so my attack had a chance to actually hit (with 3 acc
trainings) and recharged quickly (2 recharge trainings).

With accelerate metabolism on me thunderkick recharged almost instantly.

Ended up leveling twice during that mission (I was close when we
started) and died 2-3 times. I'd forgotten about that autohit damage
aura Death Mages have.

Hopped up level 6's just should not fight Death Mages.

I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So
FOAGCIPPEDI. -- Mike Andrews responding to an idiot in asr


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Dark Tyger wrote:
>>> Sorry, when the inviter continues to do so after knowing that it's a
>>> source of annoyance to many people, it becomes part of his intent.

Bradd wrote:
>> "Nerfing" the devices power set was a source of annoyance to many
>> people too.

> And that's only relevant to the completely delusional and insane.

Or to those of us who think you're whining. Blind invites are often
annoying, just like an unexpected knock on your front door, but they're
not nearly the hassle you're making it out to be.
Bradd W. Szonye


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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:22:37 GMT, Zoiks! <> wrote:

> Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
> playing with others is the norm...

The existence of a LFT button proves that the developers of CoH disagree
with you.
Your statement may be valid in any number of multiplayer games that do not
have two distinct states of presenting yourself: LFT and not-LFT. CoH
has. This is not an accident. This is the design of the game.
Furthermore, soloing has been acknowledged as legitimate from the
pre-alpha phase of the game. I read the boards back then. I remember.

This is not a generic MMOG. This is CoH. The special case supercedes the
general case.

"When someone starts bragging about how much debt they have, it's not a
good sign." -G


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On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 22:51:24 GMT, Bradd W. Szonye <>

> Xocyll wrote:
>>>> If they don't have LFT on, then they are making it obvious they
>>>> aren't looking for a team.
> Bradd wrote:
>>> Repeating this does not make it true.
> Magnus Itland wrote:
>> The fact that there is no "NotLFT" button makes it true, however.
> Not hardly. As I and other posters have noted repeatedly, many people
> level LFT off even when they're willing to team up. You can claim all
> you want that it should work differently, but in the end it's just not
> how people use the feature.

It's how good players use the feature. The people who think of everyone
else as NPCs made to do their bidding will of course ignore my stated wish
of not being invited.

The fact that someone invites me to a team when I am flagged as NOT
looking for team proves that they are either too stupid to risk teaming
with, or too self-centered to be trusted in combat. So at least it is
somewhat useful, to filter out the bad players.

"When someone starts bragging about how much debt they have, it's not a
good sign." -G


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Shenanigunner wrote:
>> /bind f11 "dialog_no"
>> Doesn't fix the problem, but it makes it one easy key-whack to kill.

Dark Tyger wrote:
> True, but it also doesn't make the rudeness forgivable when it happens
> so frequently. If blind invites were a rare thing, I wouldn't have
> such a big issue with them .....

They aren't all that frequent in my experience, and I don't think
they're particularly rude, so hopefully you can see why I don't take
your conclusions seriously.
Bradd W. Szonye


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On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 19:50:36 GMT, "Bradd W. Szonye"
<> wrote:

>Shenanigunner wrote:
>>> /bind f11 "dialog_no"
>>> Doesn't fix the problem, but it makes it one easy key-whack to kill.
>Dark Tyger wrote:
>> True, but it also doesn't make the rudeness forgivable when it happens
>> so frequently. If blind invites were a rare thing, I wouldn't have
>> such a big issue with them .....
>They aren't all that frequent in my experience, and I don't think
>they're particularly rude, so hopefully you can see why I don't take
>your conclusions seriously.

Others do think they're rude. And try being a regen scrapper,
especially in PI. The invites are quite frequent. Fine, you don't have
to think they're rude. Never meant to imply that. But it's not
unreasonable for you to respect the fact that there are a good many
others that DO find it rude.

Dark Tyger

Stop the madness! (Marvel Vs Cryptic Studios petition)

Hey, everyone else is doing it. Free iPod:


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Zoiks! wrote:
>> Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
>> playing with others is the norm...

Magnus Itland wrote:
> The existence of a LFT button proves that the developers of CoH
> disagree with you.

It proves no such thing. Indeed, the fact that you can /invite players
even when they aren't advertising LFT suggests just the opposite.
Bradd W. Szonye


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On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 19:54:03 GMT, "Bradd W. Szonye"
<> wrote:

>Zoiks! wrote:
>>> Playing a co-operative multi-player game means you should expect that
>>> playing with others is the norm...
>Magnus Itland wrote:
>> The existence of a LFT button proves that the developers of CoH
>> disagree with you.
>It proves no such thing. Indeed, the fact that you can /invite players
>even when they aren't advertising LFT suggests just the opposite.

All that suggests is that expecting people to put up an LFT flag when
they already have a group of people they want to team with just so
they can invite each other is unreasonably idiotic.

Dark Tyger

Stop the madness! (Marvel Vs Cryptic Studios petition)

Hey, everyone else is doing it. Free iPod:


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Magnus Itland wrote:
> It's how good players use the feature. The people who think of
> everyone else as NPCs made to do their bidding will of course ignore
> my stated wish of not being invited.

Leaving LFT off is not a stated wish. And you have not even established
the existence of these "people who think of everyone else as NPCs," let
alone shown that they're common. You're assigning motives to other
people without justification, and then using that as the basis for an
argument. Ad hominem fallacy doesn't get much more blatant than that.

> The fact that someone invites me to a team when I am flagged as NOT
> looking for team proves that they are either too stupid to risk teaming
> with, or too self-centered to be trusted in combat. So at least it is
> somewhat useful, to filter out the bad players.

Good grief! This argument is full of hidden assumptions and circular
reasoning. Here's a simple counter-argument: A couple weeks ago, I was
invited to the best pick-up team I've ever worked with, via blind
invite. That conclusively disproves your statement.
Bradd W. Szonye