
Jan 17, 2013

Router reduces internetspeed by a lot.
Router: Sitecom wireless gigabit router 300N

When I did the speedtest only my mobile and laptop were connected to the router

Internetplan: 100mb/s up- and download

Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this?
Or recommend me a router with which I dont have this problem?

I suspect you are using wireless. Even in perfect conditions you will get no where near the rated speeds. High ping time when the only difference is the wireless implies you are getting retransmission in the radio link. Could be interference from other wireless devices or you could just not have enough signal strength.

If you are using cabled ethernet you may just need a router with a faster processor. All the traffic is having the IP addresses translated and 100m is a huge amount for a small router to try to do. Unlike commercial routers where they actually tell you the thoughput consumer routers you have to dig around and find the processor chipsets and clock rates and do some guessing.



Jan 17, 2013
I didnt have any ping problems with my old router (Linksys wireless-G broadband router). But the problem with this router was that the maximum download speed was only 800kb/s. which is much too low for a 100mb/s internet plan.
With this new router the maximum download speed i've reached so far was 4.6mb/s, which is probably still too low.
But an even worse problem is that the connection is very unstable. Even when i have 5/5bars signal strenght.
(When I use more internet it still drops down to 0% every x sec)
I see you did test wired my bad. The router may not have the processor power, it has to NAT all the packets.

To get wireless speeds above 54m you have to meet lots of conditions.
You must run N only no compatibility mode and no B or G
You must have wide 40mhz channel support on all equipment
You must have narrow guard band support on all equipment
To get 300 you must have mimo (ie multimple antenna support) on all equipment
Then you must only run WPA2 with AES.

You fail any of the above and it will likely run at 54m

Then after you get the speed it is half duplex so in a way you chop your bandwidth in half. On top of that if you get any errors at all it gets worse