Question RTX 2080 low fps. CPU bottleneck?

Jun 25, 2018
Today I got my MSI RTX 2080 Gaming X Trio upgrade from my MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G Installed it turned on my pc installed BFV, Anthem and Metro Exodus Tested in Metro first getting around 90-100fps on ultra 1080p no ray tracing and with ray tracing around 60-80 not bad. Then I tried out anthem ultra 1080p around 90-110fps decent enough but then I opened up BFV turned on ray tracing ultra all 1080p got online and wow only 35-50 fps I have a i5 4690k oc to 4.5ghz liquid cooled, 16gb ddr3 kingston beast MSI B85-G43 Gaming motherboard and SilverStone RL06 Case I think that the cpu is limiting my gpu from running at its full power please comment down your thoughts and any fix methods if you know any that dont require a new cpu I will be getting a new mobo cpu and ram but waiting for ryzen 3th gen to see if its better than i9 9900k if its not than I will get the i9 or i7 9700k thanks.
So I tested out my new gpu some more and the results are terrible. In Anthem on ultra 1080p settings I get from 25-40 fps when in battle or flying around gpu usage is from 25-45% with core clocks under 1000mhz most of the time for some odd reason thats the same as I was getting with my 970 when I played beta few weeks ago. BFV still terrible 30-40fps ultra 1080p with rtx on ultra and with rtx off I get around 50-60fps with RTX 2080 this is messed up usage was also anywhere from 35-65%. Metro Exodus is the only game that worsk well with this gpu at 1080p ultra settings with rtx on ultra I get 60-80fps outside and in tunnels or inside buildings I get from 90-110fps usage is around 85-95% temps also around 65. Dont know if I should return the gpu or what also did UserBenchMark test and all looks fine all the drivers are up to date I dont know what to do at this point If anyone knows what is wrong with my pc please let me know thanks.
PS: the bottleneck guide didnt help much.
I got my rtx 2080 like 2 days ago with BFV, Anthem and Metro Exodus bundle Installed all games played Anthem first ultra settings 1080p and 30-40fps in combat and when flying then I tested BFV same 30-40fps on ultra 1080p with Ray Tracing on ultra with ray tracing off I get 50-60fps and then I tested Metro Exodus Ultra 1080p with Ultra Ray Tracing I got about 60-80fps outside and 90-110fps Inside fist and only game that works as It should also tested assassins creed odyssey, Far Cry New Dawn, Hitman 2 and SOTTR all of the games except for metro dont work as they should anyone know why is this happening I am rocking a Liquid cooled i5 4690k OC to 4.5ghz, 2x8 gb Kingston Beast ram in single channel because for some reason my mobo wont let me run in dual channel. Any ideas on why this is happening please let me know thanks.
PS: temps in most games are between 60-70c and usage is between 25-60% in most games only in metro GPU usage is 85-95%.
Hi I recently got the MSI RTX 2080 Gaming X Trio and Tested it in games like Anthm, BFV, Metro Exodus, Assassins Creed Odyssey and Far Cry New Dawn and I only get from 30-45fps in all these games except for Metro where I get 60-80fps on ultra 1080p with ultra RTX can someone help.