
Feb 13, 2019
I have this card from 2020, bought it brand new. Recently, I repaste the card and for my first time i replaced the thermal pads. First boot after cleaning and the fans of the card goes 100%. I reboot and then stopped. While I am gaming it makes a strange noise, I searched up and I found out it’s called coil whine.

So my friend told me to try changing bios to quiet mode. I didn’t know that my card had this option in the pcb and I flash my card while I was in OC bios. I downloaded the old flash tool with the win version because I didn’t know the process of the cmd version. Then I found the original (efficient) bios version of this card from the tech power up which was uploaded in asus support from the card but now it’s off.I restart my pc with my fingers crossed and it worked ! The next day, I boot and nothing..
Black screen. I can’t even see the bios.

Things that I have tried:
-Short the pins from the bios chip 1 and 8 (and 4-5)
-Tried to a different system
-I switched between the 2 bios of the card many times

The only thing that I didn’t try is to take a DisplayPort cable to try another output cause I use HDMI only.
My psu is 650w coolermaster mwe gold
It’s game over or still have a chance?
Sorry for my English :)
try the displayport cable and see if you get and display.
does your keyboard lights come on when you turn pc on?, like the numlock, or if you press "capslock" if so then its the display that is the issue., and you booted into windows. so changing the cables might works. just reboot and be patient it might take 1 or 2 tries. if not "power off,. ,flick the "bios switch on your card. " (most rx5700xt have this its by the 8pin connectors). then power on and see if that works if so then the other bios is faulty and needs re flashing..
As I said I already change the bios from the card and still nothing.
When I boot it seems that windows loading normally. My peripherals work without any problems.
does your computer have onboard graphics? if so try and boot into windows that way and if you can then check if the 5700xt is showing in the "properties section.. it could be the card got corrupted with a bad bios flash.. if its showing and your in "onboard graphics." you can try and "re-flash the card" via the flashing app.. if you still have the "new bios" of get it again from techpowerup.
How to boot from the onboard graphics while the pcie express is used?
I tried the hdmi cable to the motherboard while the gpu was running but again black screen.
Also I took out the cmos battery to reset mobo bios..
I have integrated graphics.
if the onboard/integrated graphics port did not work either. .then i would suggest you get a local computer store to take a look as it could be you damaged the bios on the gpu or the bios on the motherboard when you tried to short it