You want me to disagree that people are Dumb?! When they get tossed in the street when they're sick and have no social security -- then maybe they'll brighten-up...
Hmm I've had my fill of looking at those two morons on the top of this post so you want to add more?!
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= z5xTxcFA398
added spaces to kill embedding & link
[flash=425,349] http:// www. youtube.com /v/ z5xTxcFA398[/flash]
[flash=Size W,H] youtube.com / subsitute watch?v= for v / youtubeID [/flash]
Hmm I've had my fill of looking at those two morons on the top of this post so you want to add more?!
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= z5xTxcFA398
added spaces to kill embedding & link
[flash=425,349] http:// www. youtube.com /v/ z5xTxcFA398[/flash]
[flash=Size W,H] youtube.com / subsitute watch?v= for v / youtubeID [/flash]