jaquith :
My mother is a retired teacher and they should make a lot more; most are screwed-out of their Social Security because of their pensions. Thankfully, my father retired very well. Most people in politics don't care about their salaries - write a book for $5M~$8M+, some 'inside deal,' speaking for $50K~$100K for a day or two, etc. I personally know Vern Buchanan and he is obscenely wealthy.
I'm very thankful I have a good income, but there's no friggin way I want that fame from politics - just give me the $ and let me be in public in obscurely.
The company I own in part does economic forecasting -- you have NO idea how screwed we all are, and over the next couple years 'sub-prime' with be substituted for 'option-arm'.
Blame not only the 'puppet politicians' blame pure manipulative greed and those whom fund their campaigns and the lobbyists -- strings attached. We nor any 'modernized' country can compete with $0.75/hour labor. Stop SuperPac's and make lobbying illegal; anytime money/greed overrules good judgment -- we're all screwed -- big time!!!! Don't confuse Communism with Social Programs. I'll never be okay with allowing the true needy nor anyone suffer, leaders with the philosophy everyone should take care of themselves is from the Dark Ages, brutal and cruel and not the World of barbarism I enjoy living in.
The deficit acceleration root cause is/was funding wars {it's about OIL - the terrorist were from Saudi Arabia}, programs e.g. Medicare Part D {pharmaceutical industry}, you name it with borrowing instead of War taxes, Entitlement taxes, etc. I get lower taxes to a 'point' {diminishing returns} increases employment, but IF the demand isn't there there's no use in me hiring more workers regardless of taxes. Most wealthy people are paying capital gain rates. The entire tax code needs a complete redo. In essence BALANCE 'the' checkbook - it was called PayGo. The initial fix - raise import taxes (30%-50%), no multinational loop hole {if it comes in it gets taxed}, and require balanced trade agreements; this would fix unemployment in no time.
I'm stopping - I could write a book - We Think but We Know Nothing.
I'm very thankful I have a good income, but there's no friggin way I want that fame from politics - just give me the $ and let me be in public in obscurely.
The company I own in part does economic forecasting -- you have NO idea how screwed we all are, and over the next couple years 'sub-prime' with be substituted for 'option-arm'.
Blame not only the 'puppet politicians' blame pure manipulative greed and those whom fund their campaigns and the lobbyists -- strings attached. We nor any 'modernized' country can compete with $0.75/hour labor. Stop SuperPac's and make lobbying illegal; anytime money/greed overrules good judgment -- we're all screwed -- big time!!!! Don't confuse Communism with Social Programs. I'll never be okay with allowing the true needy nor anyone suffer, leaders with the philosophy everyone should take care of themselves is from the Dark Ages, brutal and cruel and not the World of barbarism I enjoy living in.
The deficit acceleration root cause is/was funding wars {it's about OIL - the terrorist were from Saudi Arabia}, programs e.g. Medicare Part D {pharmaceutical industry}, you name it with borrowing instead of War taxes, Entitlement taxes, etc. I get lower taxes to a 'point' {diminishing returns} increases employment, but IF the demand isn't there there's no use in me hiring more workers regardless of taxes. Most wealthy people are paying capital gain rates. The entire tax code needs a complete redo. In essence BALANCE 'the' checkbook - it was called PayGo. The initial fix - raise import taxes (30%-50%), no multinational loop hole {if it comes in it gets taxed}, and require balanced trade agreements; this would fix unemployment in no time.
I'm stopping - I could write a book - We Think but We Know Nothing.