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yeah... right...

:cool: <b><font color=blue>I like Intel</font color=blue><font color=red> but </font color=red><font color=green>AMD Rulez!</font color=green></b> :cool:


Agreed, I hate every single one of the arab leaders. Each of them cause nothing but pain and make the peace process worse. But Sharon's no prize either. I recall him being known as the Beirut Bulldozer or something for being someone who has hatred over Lebanese people back in the 1970 war. Dunno if it was true, but still none of my family likes him, they prefered earlier Israel leaders.
If only our Lebanese Prime Minister would get rid of the damn Hezbollah.
I love the USA man, it's where I wanna work in the future, North America is nothing but good people!

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Dec 31, 2007
Why should the USA fund anyone and countries expect it? The USA has it own debt. The problem is the rich are over rich and the poor very poor not allot of middle class. It is to unbalance.



Nov 30, 2001
The US isn't perfect but we are more fair than anyone else in the world.
What exacly make you say that ?
Do you LIVE in another country getting shoot by US weapons ?
Do you LIVE in another country getting to shoot whit US weapons ?

I'm not saying that i agree with Ben Laden or the other twitts like this bastard ,but there is a lot more to see thatn just who is wright or wrong ,it takes 2 to make a fight ,both sides think there are the wright ones ,did you know that Hitler was one of the most loved man in the wolrd before the 2nd WW , the same could apply to Sadam ,why would a nation fallow someone like that??Because the man gives them good points for it...ok he must hide alot for this,but still do you realy think that your gouvernement tells you everything...i dont think so !!!

The faster a computer is, the faster it will reach a crashed state :eek:


Feb 5, 2002
Your whole post was just incredibly ignorant, but i'll just pick on one thing in it for now.

"did you know that Hitler was one of the most loved man in the wolrd before the 2nd WW , the same could apply to Sadam ,why would a nation fallow someone like that??"

Because they have no other choice to follow sadam and would most likely be killed if they had something to say about it. So just because he's in control of iraq doesn't mean people there "follow" him.



Ok not funding, but I meant support, at least if could get some allying with them, some friendship showing!

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Mar 5, 2001
Sort of but they have backed off big time, they took their lesson well. Lebanon will still harbor the occasional terrorist, but has been known to expel some of the more notorious ones from their country. Lebanon is not considered much of a Terrorist threat anymore.

Blah, Blah Blahh, Blahh, blahh blah blahh, blah blah.


Mar 5, 2001
Sort of but they have backed off big time, they took their lesson well. Lebanon will still harbor the occasional terrorist, but has been known to expel some of the more notorious ones from their country. Lebanon is not considered much of a Terrorist threat anymore.

Blah, Blah Blahh, Blahh, blahh blah blahh, blah blah.
Hitler was one of the most loved man in the wolrd before the 2nd WW
Get your facts right!

Hitler was the most popular leader of the German nation ever. He was also the most popular leader any country ever had. One of the votes came in at around 98% for him.

That does NOT make him the most popular in the world!!!
You are asking for trouble with comments like that. I suggest you keep them to yourself.

<b><font color=blue>~ They're coming to take me away. Ha Ha! ~</font color=blue></b>


Feb 24, 2002
comment on Eden's post on page 2: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAH LOL LOL LOL LOL OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, sorry i couldnt resist. That post had SOOOO many funny mistakes in it. "they bombarded our electricity", "when i was there living" dont you mean living there. im just jokin Eden dont take it personally, if i had to take Lebanese emersion classes i would probably suck at speaking your language two year later too. Things said in this post do not neccessarily reflect the ideas or tendencies of anyone but me.

its not that intel CANT make a good processor, its that they just dont try


Feb 24, 2002
In response to varlo's message on page 2: hahahahahhahaahhahahahahah, lol, geeze, you had a lot of mistakes too. By the way, the only time you spell the word right "wright" is when your'e in american history class and the topic is the Wright Brothers. "Shoot" is not past tense. "Man" is not plural, that would be men. Nice job spelling government! (gouvernement)--you let me know when that version of UT comes out. "Fallow" is spelled follow. It's not "Ben Laden" it's "Bin Laden" and hes not "this bastard" hes "that bastard". "Thatn" is just "that", no extra n. "Exacly" is spelled "exactly". "Whit" is spelled "with". The space goes behind the comma not in front of it. "There" is not a contraction meaning they are, that would be "they're". Also there are always spaces after periods, and commas, not before.

Please, no one get mad at me, I'm not always like this, I hardly ever correct peoples little mistakes, that would be a trollish thing to do, but his message was SO grammatically incorrect that I couldn't resist!

its not that intel CANT make a good processor, its that they just dont try


Feb 5, 2002
Your not too good at organizing your thought's either willamette. Might be easier to read your post if it wasn't one huge paragraph of trying to correct someone.



Hmm even I didn't know that! Thanks man for backing me here man!
Although we still have one major terrorist group, they never showed up in any part of the country except staying low in the south, which is the poor side, and neither I or anybody I know goes there. So basically we are indeed neutral and granted, removing Hezbollah would show the US that we are ready for peace anytime. I doubt there are anymore conflicts with Israel and that is nice to hear, now if only Arafat could just wake up and smell the coffee and do something! When I see those protestors on the streets all the time over there, I can't help but wonder what sick idiots they are! Burning Bush figures, US ass, they do this with no benefit. "sigh", the arab world has become incredibly prejudiced because of these and has gained the idea of terrorism in its heart, where in fact we are very peaceful people, always generous and the fact we have not complained yet about Israel+US, shows how much we can take before giving in. It's just those muslim terrorists that have radical beleifs, and are also putting the Muslim Religion on a different view. I'm not muslim but many of my friends are, and none beleive what the terrorists or the arab people over there think about US, are right, and none go so radical over their Quran.

Wow this has turned into a political party here! Oh well, it'll teach melty not to put useless topics.

And Willamette_sucks, I don't do syntax errors as much as you, and leave varlo off this, he's french like me, and he does errors too you know, so back off.

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Feb 5, 2002
I'm sure we will be in there to remove any groups hiding there as soon as it comes up on the list of groups to remove =p. Think we're in the phillipines and parts of russia now?



Jul 3, 2001
Actually, I beg to differ there.

It seems that Al Qaeda is setting up offices in Bekaa Valley alongside Hamas and Hizbollah


When all else fails, throw your computer out the window!!!


Jul 3, 2001
I personally was very concerned when Sharon won the election. Barak was soo willing to negotiate and make a fair peace for all parties and then the terrorist attacks etc.

Sharon concerned me because of his past record...turning a blind eye to what transpired in Sabra and Shatilla, his overzealousness (though in many instances it ended up being beneficial for Israel). No, he concerned me because he tended to *shoot from the hip* so too speak.

I have been surprised, lately, by his restraint.

Do I think he could do more to promote peace?

Heck yeah!

Do I think he has shown surprising restraint time and again?

Heck yeah!

May there be no doubt...neither side in this issue is 100% right and justified. Neither side is 100% wrong either.

Let's go back a few years and compare perception then and now. Back then Israel was the unwilling occupier of Southern Lebanon in a futile attempt to ostensibly protect their Northern territories from mortars, bombings and general terrorist attacks.

Hizbullah attacked and killed Israelis in Lebanon time and again. Why did Israel get little to no support from the world at the time? Because Israel was occupying Southern Lebanon AND the attacks were 90% against Israeli military targets.

Contrast that with the recent attacks...

These have been 909% against civilian targets while Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been negotiating some kind of peace.


When all else fails, throw your computer out the window!!!


Pretty well summarized indeed. The reason why Sharon is so succeeding is, like Hitler (no offense anybody) or others, has a charismatic appeal, which many just like him for no apparent benefit.
We'll see how things turn out, hell my family is digusted by how things are over there, we just don't wanna turn on the news about anything in the Middle East anymore...

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Jan 3, 2002

do you realy think that your gouvernement tells you everything...i dont think so !!!
Absolutely not.....but, on average, we're smart enough to take their crap with a grain of salt. That's not a knock on you directly (I apologize, because I know it sounds like that, but it is not intended to). It seems as if a fairly high percentage of Arabians truly think we are hell-bent on wiping them out, and that is simply not true (even if the government was, our people could end it). Furthermore, we allow our press to write whatever the heck they want. I'm sure that they tone it down when they need to, BUT, man if one of those blood-sucking reporters gets a big, juicy bone, there is NO CHANCE they hold back....they make their careers, overnite, like that.

I just think that there is some kind of double-standard. I am sure that most people in the Middle-East would love to live in peace, and that while their may be a great deal of mistrust and dislike for America, they do not hate us to the point of wanting to kill all of us (this is probably the way the French feel about us). That being said, we are taken as weak because we are not merciless and relentless. Going out on a limb, IMHO, THAT IS WHAT SETS US APART AND MAKES US BETTER. However, people of the world should have no illusions; when you punch us enough, we will fight back, with ungodly precision and ferocity. I am still pissed at the most of the rest of the cowardly world for not taking a stronger stance. Go to the four corners of the earth and dredge out these miserable F's. These little rats won't just fade away, and many more innocent people will die because the rest of the world has no nuts. This really isn't the place for a political discussion, so I apologize....I just get a little worked up over this stuff.



Oct 12, 2001
The middle east, why do they hate us and why do we care less?
From my limited "research" the reason is three-fold. First, America has a tendency to stick its nose in everyone's business. Whether or not we are wanted, we show up with guns. I imagine some middle-easterners are concerned about us "showing up", but more importantly worried we will bring American culture with us. They see America as decadent and amoral. In short, they dont want microwaves, fast food and CNN, playboy, high crime rates etc etc.
Second, the CIA hasnt helped on the public relations front. On many occasions the CIA has funded and trained arab militants who were fighting "tyrannical" governments. The CIA operatives involved were very often pulled out when things got too hot. Abandoning the arabs they promised to support. So now you have some really pissed off arabs that are well armed (aka future terrorists).
This pattern started in the 1950's in Central America. Anyway, i digress. The third thing is American support of Israel. If there is any country some Arabs hate more than America... its Israel. We support Israel, so America is hated by default ( or proxy?). Of course Israel was created after WW2 by carving up some arab territory. That would be the equivolent of having an American state taken from us. The residents of the state ( and America) are gonna be pissed off about it.
So the arabs pissed off at america do have some reason to be. But obviously thats not an excuse to start a terrorist war. Besides, like most sides in a fight. Neither side is truly trying to understand one another. Misperception is the real enemy.

Benchmarks are like sex, everybody loves doing it, everybody thinks they are good at it.


Feb 5, 2002
Actually i think it's more equivalent to native americans getting some land back, which they have in reservations and are free to do whatever they please on.



Mar 23, 2001
Actually i think it's more equivalent to native americans getting some land back, which they have in reservations and are free to do whatever they please on.

The only claim to that land they have is a biblical one.

Israeli "my god says this is my land"
Palestinian....oh....but my family has lived here for 1000 years.
Israeli "sorry, we will relocate you, or put you in a refugee camp, thanks for the house"
Palestinian " no problem, mind if I blow myself up to kill you?"

the indian analogy is not accurate. The whole situation overthere is [-peep-] up, and it is not the palestnians fault IMO.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
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