
Nov 30, 2018
I have been considering upgrading to a Samsung 970 Evo Plus due to it’s speed increase over my current SSD: WD Black NVMe 250 GB. It is my Boot SSD. It is worth the speed increase? Thanks!

CPU: i7 7700K
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z270XP SLI
SSD: WD Black NVMe 256 GB (WDS256G1XOC)
Not worth it IMO. You wont see a drop in load times in games if that's what you're looking for, maybe a fraction of a second vs your WD Black drive. From my understanding 4k read and 4k mixed speeds have the most effect on game load times. The 970 evo is a touch faster in this regard but likely not enough to make any meaningful difference.
What do you use it for? Unless you are doing lots of large sequential file transfers then you would never notice the difference between the two in general usage. I own a 960 evo and in terms of game load times, boot times, application launch times, etc it is barley faster than my Crucial M500 SATA SSD. I doubt there would be any noticeable difference between two different NVME drives in tasks like that. If you want more storage and are willing to pay the premium for NVME then go for it, but don't buy it if you expect to notice a performance improvement.
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What do you use it for? Unless you are doing lots of large sequential file transfers then you would never notice the difference between the two in general usage. I own a 960 evo and in terms of game load times, boot times, application launch times, etc it is barley faster than my Crucial M500 SATA SSD. I doubt there would be any noticeable difference between two different NVME drives in tasks like that. If you want more storage and are willing to pay the premium for NVME then go for it, but don't buy it if you expect to notice a performance improvement.
I mostly use it for gaming. With the occasional file transfer between it and my RAID 1 setup.
Not worth it IMO. You wont see a drop in load times in games if that's what you're looking for, maybe a fraction of a second vs your WD Black drive. From my understanding 4k read and 4k mixed speeds have the most effect on game load times. The 970 evo is a touch faster in this regard but likely not enough to make any meaningful difference.