
Oct 13, 2011
I just bought the ASUS tr-n66r for my desktop server. I am trying to make it do static ip instead of automatic so I can run Remote Desktop. ASUS comes with a free ddns with the router, but that is not what I want to do. I tried to configure the router with my old static information but as soon as I apply, it drops the internet. But it will not pre populate the information. I know how you can get your ip but I do not know how to get the other information when you are on the router?
If you go to the start menu and type in CMD and hit enter it will bring up the command box (dos box) and in the box type ipconfig /all and it will bring up all of the ip info , just write it down for when your in the routers settings. Make sure that you type it exactly as I have with a space after the g being the only space used.