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May 6, 2020
Please keep it to 1 thread
I've been playing fallout 4 and my CPU gets really hot and after a bit starts to down clock and throttle with the stock cooler and there is no overclock what's one of the best coolers under 130 that I can get to keep it cool and later overclock
What is the make/model of your motherboard?
Many FX processors will throttle, not because of cpu temperatures, but because many FX motherboards have inadequate vrm cooling capacity.

Try taking your case cover off and direct a house fan at the innards. See if that helps.

FX is all but obsolete.
I would not spend a dime more on a FX system unless such can be carried forward to a new build.
What is the make/model of your motherboard?
Many FX processors will throttle, not because of cpu temperatures, but because many FX motherboards have inadequate vrm cooling capacity.

Try taking your case cover off and direct a house fan at the innards. See if that helps.

FX is all but obsolete.
I would not spend a dime more on a FX system unless such can be carried forward to a new build.
A new cooler can be used on a new system to right?
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