Tuniq Potency 650w power supply


Sep 15, 2009
Bought a new power supply from newegg, it's yet to arrive but I am running into several dilemas.
I got the Tuniq Potency 650w Power supply for $39.99 with a $10 rebate, which I doubt I will receive (many people on the egg reported very bad to non existent rebate).

Anyone have any experience with Tuniq power supplies? I have already read plenty of reviews on them, and most say it's a great power supply.

Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817611007&Tpk=tuniq%20650w

I have done my research for power supplies, plus have had experience replacing/diagnosing power supplies where I work.
I am fairly certain the Tuniq Potency 650w power supply will run the following setup, but a second opinion never hurts:

CPU: Phenom II 550 X2 (x4 if lucky) @ 3.800 Ghz probaly @ 1.4v (Hoping for unlock once my new motherboard comes in from RMA) (Currently at 3.6 ghz with stock cooler, loads=50c~ idles=30c with coolnquiet disabled.)
Cooler: Sunbeam Core-contact 120mm heatsink/fan. (coming in with power supply as well)
Motherboard: TA790GX 128m, 140w TDP/2x pci-e 2.0 slots
Ram: 4gb kit Patriot G series pc2 8500 ram 1066 mhz@ 7-7-7-20
GPU: Two HD 4850's overclocked (probably 845 mhz core/2100 mhz memory)
Optical drives: Blu ray drive 4x, and 22x dvd rw dl
HDD: Samsung F3 Spinpoint 500gb, and a Seagate 5400 rpm hard drive 200gb
Case: Haf 922, stock fans with 1 extra 120mm high performance fan above CPU for cooling.

Let me know what you think.


Sep 15, 2009
I can afford a much more expensive power supply (If this PSU doesn't cut it, I will just wait for the new generation of power supplies, as modular PSU's are at an all time high the new generation should be completely modular and much cheaper and also because I am waiting for the capacitor's in japan to lower in price (those are some sexy capacitors 100c wtf?) however I wanted to go with the Tuniq for a few main reasons:

1. Tuniq is relatively new to power supplies. So I will probably end up doing a hardware review on it which are very sparse which I need hardware reviews on my channel.
2. I have been pleased with the reviews done on several Tuniq products ranging from heatsinks, to power supplies, to thermal compound. I am quite sure this will turn out to be a great product, but we'll see.
3. It is cheaper, I won't lie saving $60~ over other competitor's like OCZ/Corsair. Also this power supply is actually listed for $89.99 but being sold for $39.99 probably on a promotional campaign by Tuniq to get into the power supply industry. I mean let's face it if they sold it at face value $89.99 they would loose out to companies who have lasted the trial of time.

Once again has anyone had personal experience with this power supply?
If they sold it at face value, it wouldn't sell faced with the competition. It's a good $45 PSU, but not a good $90 PSU. As it says here:


" If you can deal with mail in rebates. Newegg.com currently sells this unit for $86.99, which is on the verge of being too expensive for a unit with these specifications, but there is a $40 mail in rebate available for the whole month of February. While other units tested in this general range of total power outputs may cost more, they generally tend to offer more. But, for $46.99 this is a decent unit to power your mid-range desktop or lower end gaming rig"

"The main issue I have with this unit is related to another feature prominently displayed on the box and on the Tuniq website. Claims are made that it is SLI Certified, SLI Certificated, or SLI Ready (depending on where you look), and I wonder if either of the two actual designations are accurate. The SLI Zone website doesn't indicate it is SLI Certified, and both PCI Express power connections are on one of the two 25A 12V rails."

100% modular PSU's provide no benefit and waste money and efficiency. Like buying a car where all 5 wheels are packed away as spare tires. You need 4 wheels to drive so why put em in the trunk / ... you need a minimum no. of cables to build a puter so why make those modular ? It's not like you are going to build a PC w/o connecting that 24 pin cable are ya ? So why introduce another failure point ?


Hybrid Modular makes much more sense ... hardware the 'must have" connections and leave the rest modular. It's also where the hi end is going....well actually, they are already.



Sep 15, 2009

I have seen that review, I dont think that reviewer know's what he's talking about.

He complains about the PCI-E 6 pin connection being linked together on the same cable, stating it will make it hard to connect two GPU's. Most people would see that as a pro since it cuts down on cables.
Two, the 650w is SLI certified. I did a very quick look on Sli Zone and found it Sli Certified.
Three he fails to recognize that for Sli Certification you must have the GPU's on the same 12v rail or different rails (apart from the other system components.
Four the heatsinks on the Tuniq 650w are actually quite big for a power supply of 650w.
Fifth he tried a threeway crossfire on a 650w PSU, what the? hahaha I didnt see it the first time I read the review a few days ago. That is funny.

" As a secondary test, I decided to up the ante a bit, and went with a configuration using a Radeon HD4850 X2 in CrossFire with the single GPU Radeon 4850."