I bought a Samsung 860 Evo SSD yesterday. Ever since I plugged it in, I've been struggling to migrate my data from my HDD.
So after watching a few tutorials, I downloaded EaseUS todo and started cloning my C: drive. At first, I was returned with an error that said : Failed to read sector. Please clone using sector-by-sector. When I tried Sector-by-sector clone, it said that the disk didn't have enough unallocated space, which is strange since I didn't make any partitions on my 250GB SSD & my c: drive is just 180GB full. So, I tried with another program called AOMEI Backupper. I was returned with an error215: Too many fragment files on the volume needs to be defragged. So that's what I did. I defragged my drive. Ran both the softwares again. No difference. Then I ran chkdsk on my c drive. No difference. Ran chkdsk again. Still nothing. Today, I found out Samsung had a data migration tool for its SSDs. When I ran that, it returned with the error 303250: Cloining failed. An error occurred during defragmentation. Of course, all of this points towards multiple bad sectors on my hard drive. So I ran EaseUS Partition Surface Test. Turns out I just have 1 bad sector out of 976566264, which is quite normal. Now reinstalling Windows is unfortunately not an option for me since I have multiple very very old softwares (some custom too) to which, I can't get setups anymore. Cloning is my only route, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the real issue is. It's been over 40 hours now and I'm as clueless as I was 40 hours ago.
Thank you everyone in advance for helping.
So after watching a few tutorials, I downloaded EaseUS todo and started cloning my C: drive. At first, I was returned with an error that said : Failed to read sector. Please clone using sector-by-sector. When I tried Sector-by-sector clone, it said that the disk didn't have enough unallocated space, which is strange since I didn't make any partitions on my 250GB SSD & my c: drive is just 180GB full. So, I tried with another program called AOMEI Backupper. I was returned with an error215: Too many fragment files on the volume needs to be defragged. So that's what I did. I defragged my drive. Ran both the softwares again. No difference. Then I ran chkdsk on my c drive. No difference. Ran chkdsk again. Still nothing. Today, I found out Samsung had a data migration tool for its SSDs. When I ran that, it returned with the error 303250: Cloining failed. An error occurred during defragmentation. Of course, all of this points towards multiple bad sectors on my hard drive. So I ran EaseUS Partition Surface Test. Turns out I just have 1 bad sector out of 976566264, which is quite normal. Now reinstalling Windows is unfortunately not an option for me since I have multiple very very old softwares (some custom too) to which, I can't get setups anymore. Cloning is my only route, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the real issue is. It's been over 40 hours now and I'm as clueless as I was 40 hours ago.
Thank you everyone in advance for helping.