
Mar 3, 2019
I have a ASUS H310M Plus MicroATX motherboard with intel core i7 8086k cpu 550 watts. Would i be able to upgrade to a GTX 1080 or RTX 2080 with those components? Would it fit and work well? I currently have a Rtx 2060 and am worried about the VRAM becoming an issue. Please help as im new to pc gaming and would greatly appreciate any help.
Yes, you could put either GPU and it will run perfectly well. The CPU is capable of driving any high end GPU.

The RTX2060 is great for 1080p/1440p and will not run out of vram generally speaking, unless you go up to higher res. What res monitor do you have? However your PSU needs to be stronger for a higher end GPU.
Thanks for the reply. I have a 1980x1080 acer xf240h. So your saying the vram shouldn’t be an issue and I can run games at high settings +60fps for a few years to come. I mainly play destiny and was worried that the sequel may require more than 6gb vram
Absolutely. At 1080p, you just need a strong processor/base system (which you have) to get the most out of it. I've a GTX1060, and I can run every game at high/ultra with 75fps/hz. I play games like BF1/V/COD WW2, BO4, Woflenstein 2 etc. Your card is about 30% faster than mine, and your CPU is a beast at 1080p, and can push even high end SLI configs.
You don't need to upgrade unless you want to get a 1440p 144hz monitor at the same time, and possibly a new PSU aswell

If you have a big disposable income then it's your call, but for 1080p there's no point going above a RTX2060
This may be a stupid question but how long will long will I be able to play games high settings for with my current setup? I always hear people saying that in a years time games will require more than 6gb vram and that 1080p won’t be around
No one can say exactly how long you'll be able to play on high settings, but I'm gonna guess at least 2 more years. If not longer. I don't think many games, if any are using more than 6gb in 1080 right now. And probably won't for a while.

And I also highly doubt 1080 is going anywhere. It will still be around for some time, as it's still probably the most popular resolution. Especially as it's so cheap right now.

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