today i found that my GPU fans are not spinning tried to clear it from dust and stuff but still not spinning , when i touch the fans with my finger it spin for like a half spin for a second and stop and i hear a voice and the fan when i try to roll it with my finger it's not smooth it's a little bit hard that's why i want to try the oil
i am an outside europe + outside usa person i live in morocco i want to know wich oil i need to Oil My Gpu , do you recommend me to Oil it ?
MY GPU IS GTX 650 i got it from aliexpress it's a different brand it's called Veineda
Your Suggestions are Appreciated , Thank you
i am an outside europe + outside usa person i live in morocco i want to know wich oil i need to Oil My Gpu , do you recommend me to Oil it ?
MY GPU IS GTX 650 i got it from aliexpress it's a different brand it's called Veineda
Your Suggestions are Appreciated , Thank you
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